


Kvanttimekaniikan tarkoituksena on edistää fysiikan hallintaa täten parantaen yleisilmettä ja torjua mekaanisia malleja.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.08.2010 03:02

A short story by Kasperi Kuuskoski

"This realm where i have been dumped, what is it called?"

"This kingdom, this dynasty, is the mighty IRC-Galleria, the paradise for all fags and the "teinix"."

"Teinix? What are these mighty-sounding "teinix"?"

"They are the rumored keepers of the mighty IRC-Galleria. There is a legend of a great machine called the "palvelin" and the mysterious fuel it uses, "palvelinmaksut". The teinix have been rumored to bring this fuel in the mode of "raha" what the allmighty "ylläpitäjät" convert to this legendary fuel, "palvelinmaksut""

"But where do the teinix get this "raha"?"

"It is believed that all of the have been given a gift called the "VIP". With the assistance of the 2nd ones in the IRC-Galleria hierarchy, the "vanhemmat", teinix can load their "VIP" by sacrificing raha given by their vanhemmat and so keep the IRC-Galleria running"

"What would happen if the teinix would disappear?"

"It is not known, but most probably the whole IRC-Galleria would start dying, and ultimately an armageddon, called "404" would occur. After this, most of the population of the IRC-Galleria would most probably move to the great enemy of IRC-galleria, the mighty FACEBOOK"

"My god, that sounds terrible!"

"Yes, we have to hope that the teinix never die. But after all, this is all legend. There are also theories that even if the teinix would die, some other, minor species for example the "ISÄMMAAN PUALEST-ukot" and the "cee äs prooo 98" would still keep the irc-galleria from collapsing"

"By the way, why is this place so blue here, but there far away it is black?"

"Some great wizards possess mighty spells that can change the look of the earth, sky and water. They are thought to have similar skills with the teinix, maybe even have the VIP"

"Wow, could i someday get those skills"

"The legend tells that if you now move to our grand realm and start taking pictures of yourself and giving them to the ultimate god, the "softa" you may even get to possess the VIP"

"WOWWWWW, i will start right away"

"Good, my young friend, but remember, you have to spend 85% of your whole youth life here, giving your pictures to the god and commenting to other peoples lifes"

"I will not fail! Someday I will become a teinix!! To the journey! Thank you, old man, and i hope we see someday again"

"Perhaps, perhaps, my son. Unless the 404 has already happened.... But goodbye, and wish you great luck"


MUU?: Kape
Copyräights?: Eipp, levitä rauhassa!

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