"Wow, you better cut down your time playing Counter-Strike, Kaitsu. One night, after you have played constantly for 12 hours, you see the message: "Hanna t3h pwn20r has joined". This round you bought the AWP, and, as you are really bad at CS (which I can't understand why, as you play it every day), you rush. You get killed by a headshot by Hanna t3h pwn20r, and die. She used the glock FFS! All teared up by being beaten by Hanna on CS, you go to the local pub and drink some booze. You order a Hanna's special, a really powerful drink. After drinking 10 Hanna's special, you drive home, or atleast, try to drive home. You drive right over Hanna, when she was on her way home from somewhere. Then you drive on, drive off a bridge on drown. Oh, and Hanna t3h pwn20r was really just some guy who pretended to be a girl, so you didn't actually get beaten by Hanna."
ihana peli ♥