The work placement assignment written by Pauliina shows much to commend it. It covers her period of time here at Myerscough well
There are very few spelling errors and of errors in grammar considering English is not PauliinaÂ’s first language. Overall it was very well presented and kept to the structure recommended in the assignment brief.
The straight forward honesty of PauliinaÂ’s style of writing is refreshing to read. The introduction clearly states how she rationalised that coming to England would be of benefit to both her love of horticulture, rightly reasoning that most plants would be named and she would see an improvement of her spoken English. Her speech did improve as did her confidence in using it.
The Lake District:
There is a lot of really good and clear description and some analysis of the gardens I took her to. She notes a lot of interesting details about each garden that she saw. Comments on the River that was repaired by students from Tuorla in 2002 and the rare butterfly orchid at Hale Cat gardens and the snake symbol that repeats across the gardens at Holker Hall.
There are a number of sentences that demonstrate Pauliina’s competence with English such as “There were ( incorrectly spelt where) so many beautiful flowers and trees that is was overwhelming” and regarding the garden called ‘Yews’ “they are one of the many people who open their homes to the public once in a year to raise money for charity”
This complicated sentence was almost perfectly executed in tense and structure and shows how much time and thought went into writing it. Writing this assignment back in Finland was good as it gave time and distance for Pauliina to reflect on her time here.
The comments regarding her time on the golf course were interesting in that the use of a flymo (Hovering mower) was new. She evaluates her work on the golf course and together with her analysis that turf management was more interesting than she could have imagined is significant and shows a high level of cognitive thought regarding this area of work.
The time spent on the gardens and on the trip to the wholesale tomato nursery was considered and some analysis was made, more could have been made here, perhaps considering why woodchip is used on both beds and paths in Finland and why it is mostly used just on paths here. (the depletion of Nitrogen caused by the breakdown of such a high carbon material leads to poor growth, perhaps in Finland more fertiliser is used to counter this or it is just so cheap as there is so much forest?)
It was in such comments noting the differences but not asking why that at times that has made me consider the grade very carefully.
English Culture:
Pauliina correctly noted that Finnish people are not so talkative (Mostly due to being shy and not wanting to stand out until they are sure not to make a mistake) and English people often are talkative and not so concerned if they make a mistake. So these differences were picked up but not analysed. The differences in recycling and that there are no bottle recycling machines (Pallatus) could have been considered more. English recycling culture has not been around so long as in Finland. I liked the fact that she collected the bottles they used and recycled them and it was noticed by the staff, this shows good observational skills.
However Pauliina does wonder and question if someone from the royal Family always goes to the big openings and new schools and bridges (and often they do!)
Areas for improvement:
More analysis and evaluation of differences in both work ( Asun) and culture (Taide).
Technical comments were few and many more could have been included particularly plant names. In the fernery where she says it is very lush the name Dicksonia antartica could have been used as it is the most lush tree fern/ plant there being 2 metres high.
Language: There were many good points in the language used particularly its sentence structure but the range of words used was at times a bit limited and I would have hoped for a wider range of language which is one of the main reasons it is a merit. and not a distinction.
Summing up:
Pauliina has shown her self in a very good light and sent this work for assessment in time on the 16.07.08 and in the word count recommended. Also this has been a very honest and truthfully written assignment that shows PauliinaÂ’s abilities of observation, comment and description in a very good light. More analysis and evaluation as well as technical comments, photos and referencing as well to bring it up to a distinction level (above 70%) would have made it stand out as an excellent final work for this work placement. However I have marked it as a merit at 65% .