The Almighty Adey sanoo:
Flaming Charisma Jaaho sanoo:
The Almighty Adey sanoo:
...nyt mun Victory Korea ei oikeen taida sopia tän taustamusiikiks.
Flaming Charisma Jaaho sanoo:
no ei se ihan mutta kyllä se mullakin soi tossa.. B''''D
The Almighty Adey sanoo:
"The first time he kills a person, he lets go. VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY KOREA. He stares into their dead eyes drowning in a sea of red, - O-RE-O, O-O-RE-O, breathes in the smell of gunpowder, feels the metal of his gun imprint itself into his skin and he lets go. TTANTTAN TTARAN, TTANTTAN TTANRANTTAN"
Flaming Charisma Jaaho sanoo:
*tukehtuu nauruunsa*
Asialliset dramaattisten fanficcien taustamusat. K-O-R-E-A, VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY KOREA.