


Wretches And Kings

väsäsin lisää sanotuksiaTorstai 06.11.2008 19:47


When the night falls my eyes won't let me sleep
Wide awake they create a picture of you
There you are so close that
I can feel you

I don't know how to be
I don't know where to go
My needs don't cross you
I feel so lost

I know where I stand
And I see the people around me
But I can't see me
I'm just a stranger to myself
And I just need time

How can I hold on
How can I strugle in life
If I don't know whos life I live

Whos ready to give you what you need
I'm not saying that it's not me
I'm just afraid it might be too for me

I have me and you have you
But in the end
You will end up with someone
And I will end up alone

Tell me I'm not dead
Tell me I still have a change
Take my final breath

I only love you in my dreams
And that's the way It's ment to be
I'll bury your face in my head
It's the only plae it remains me
Cos my heart is dead

I'll keep hiding behind my scene
The life they all have
It's not made for me
Shadows keep falling
The darkness is getting deeper
In my own dungeon
I'll make my way through another day

The emptyness I follow
The life without you
Won't bring me sorrow

Why do I still cry
My life is allready made
Cos I walk alone
But you are in my head
And there you'll be
Until the day
I'm dead

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