


Wretches And Kings

The Baseballs<3Perjantai 30.10.2009 18:39

Madball TattooKeskiviikko 28.10.2009 21:31

More Tattooos!

Perjantai 6.11



Hämeenlinnan kovin!Keskiviikko 28.10.2009 00:24

Uusi bänditarjous iski pöytään tänään:P

Koesoittoihin ensi viikolla :)

Aivan Mahtava lätty:PKeskiviikko 14.10.2009 00:03

Rammstein: Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da

1 Rammlied (Ramm-laulu) (05:19)
2 Ich tu dir weh (Satutan sinua) (05:02)
3 Waidmanns Heil (Metsästäjän tervehdys) (03:33)
4 Haifisch (Hai) (03:45)
5 B****** (Bückstabü) (04:15)
6 Frühling in Paris (Kevät Pariisissa) (04:45)
7 Wiener Blut (Wieniläinen veri) (03:53)
8 Pussy (Pillu) (04:00)
9 Liebe ist für alle da (Rakkaus on kaikille) (03:26)
10 Mehr (Enemmän) (04:09)
11 Roter Sand (Punainen Hiekka) (03:59)

TPS 5 - 2 SaipaPerjantai 25.09.2009 12:08

TPS 3 - 2 Blues Keskiviikko 23.09.2009 00:08

Pelicans 2 - 10 TPSSunnuntai 20.09.2009 01:37

Rammstein - PussyLauantai 19.09.2009 20:48

Too big, too small,
Size does matter after all.
Zu groß, zu klein,
Er könnte etwas größer sein.

Mercedes-Benz und Autobahn,
Alleine in das Ausland fahren,
Reise, Reise, Fahrvergnügen
Ich will nur Spaß, mich nicht verlieben

Just a little bit...
Just a little bitch!

You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick.
So take me now before it's too late
Life's too short, so I can't wait.
Take me now, oh don't you see,
I can't get laid in Germany.

Too short, too tall,
Doesn't matter, one size fits all.
Zu groß, zu klein,
Der Schlagbaum sollte oben sein.

Schönes Fräulein, Lust auf mehr?
Blitzkrieg mit dem Fleischgewehr!
Schnaps im Kopf, du holde Braut,
steck Bratwurst in dein Sauerkraut!

Just a little bit...
Be my little bitch!

You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!
So take me now before it's too late
Life's too short, so I can't wait.
Take me now, oh don't you see,
I can't get laid in Germany.



You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!

You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!

You've got a pussy,
I have a dick,
So what's the problem?
Let's do it quick!
So take me now before it's too late
Life's too short, so I can't wait.
Take me now, ooh don't you see,
I can't get laid in Germany

TPS 4 - 1 JokeritSunnuntai 13.09.2009 00:02