


Lähes raitis taikuri

Coupling (Paritellen)Keskiviikko 30.01.2008 16:05

Sally: [Trying to explain to Patrick what platonic friendship with a woman is] What do you call people you go out with but don't try to sleep with?
Patrick: [beat] Men.

Sally: I hate having sex at home. I've got a listening flatmate.
Jane: Oh no, I hate those. Do you have to be really quiet for her?
Sally: No, I have to be really loud. We're very competitive.

Jeff: I love the word naked, it's brilliant isn't it, 'naked'. When I was a kid I used to write the word naked on a bit of paper hundreds of times and rub my face in it.

Jane: [Talking to Sally and Susan] I'm just feeling so ridiculously horny. I swear, if I didn't have my heart set on having sex with a man, you two would be in serious trouble.

Susan: Some men were born lucky. Some men were born very lucky.
Sally: What was Patrick born?
Susan: A tripod.

[Susan is about to show the others one of her breasts]
Susan: Well? Which one do you want? The left one or the right one?
Patrick: The right one.
[to others]
Patrick: Trust me.
Susan: Why? What's wrong with the left one?
Patrick: Now, don't be like that. There has to be a second place.
Susan: Well, I wasn't aware you were judging them individually!
Patrick: You were asleep! I was bored!

Sally: Bottoms are our natural enemy... They follow us around our entire lives, right behind us, and constantly growing. How do they do that? I'm sure mine's back there secretly snacking.

Jane: I really quite like being single. Except for the bit about not having a man.

Jane: Friendship's more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.

Patrick: I never make more than one sex tape of a woman. I am not a pervert.

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