


Lähes raitis taikuri

Unissä kävelyä...Torstai 22.10.2009 08:23

Tuli sitten käveltyä unissaan ekaa kertaa kahteen vuoteen, baarista kotio joskus ennen kolmea, nopea syönti ja nukkumaan meno.... Seuraava muistikuva on käytävässä kerrosta ylempänä ja näin kuin boksereillaan.. Ei kännyä tai mitään. Siinä sitten venaillaan että joku talon asukas lähtee töihin joka voisi soittaa isännöitsijälle että jos tulisi avaamaan oven. Viimeinkin joku tuli ja sai soitettua. Varmaan tunti - puolitoista tuli oltua käytävällä...

Pitääkö sitä taas alkaa nukkumaan avain kaulassa tälläisten varalta...

No on taas uus galleria...Tiistai 06.10.2009 17:06

Eihän tässä, kyllä tähän tottuu mutta en ole vielä löytänyt juttua jolla saisi saman modauksen saman tien kaikkiin kuviin... Ei jaksaisi käydä yksitellen kaikkia kuvia läpi ja laittaa uus modaus...

Pokerihommat overTorstai 01.10.2009 00:55

Kyllä, tänään oli mitä toivottavammin viimeinen pokerinjakoreissuni. Ei tule ikävä.

GeiggaaKeskiviikko 30.09.2009 11:45

Tule mukaan viettämään iloista pikkujouluiltaa kanssamme Kyyhkylän kartanolle!

Joulun taikaa-illoissa tunnelmaa luo jouluinen pianomusiikki sekä pöytäseurueita tempuillaan hämmästyttävä taikuri!

Buffetpöytä on katettu kaikkina iltoina tietenkin erittäin koriaksi ja jouluisia herkkuja on tarjolla moneen makuun!

Joulun taikaa -illat ke 25.11. ja ke 9.12. klo 19-23.

Nimi KoreaksiSunnuntai 27.09.2009 05:27

Shikimedo Nokazukashiki

Nyt en muistanut copy-pastettaa sitä kirjainluetteloo tähän... Enkä jaksa etsiäkään..

KoulutyöTiistai 22.09.2009 13:30

Räp räp..Sunnuntai 20.09.2009 08:14

Kun kuuntelee omaa biisiä paikallisessa yökerhossa ja saa vielä kannustusta niin kyllä tekee mieli tehdä biisi loppuun asti...

Ehkä vielä joskus?

HuohSunnuntai 30.08.2009 15:28

Miksi edes juoda viinaa kun se ei ole kivaa...

Viikolla olis paljon hauskempi kitata muttei koulun takia voi ja viikonloput on muuten vaan persiistä.

Byebye Guitar HeroMaanantai 24.08.2009 16:47

Joutuu palauttamaan konsolin ja kitarat takaisin työnantajalle, eli ei enää Guitar Heroa :´(

Textsfromlastnight.comTorstai 20.08.2009 18:18

Parhaita paloja,

(203): There's a "art of the blow job" class in the city. We should go
(860): Baby, I'm all set with that. That would be like trying to teach bruce lee how to kick someone in the head

(913): Remember, sex is not sex til both people cross the finish line. Until then, it is just a favor.

(407): i went to disney world today with my friends, met snow white, then saw her later at a bar. she is naked next to me in her bed, passwed out. when you wish upon a star...

(510): he said he didn't have a condom.
(415): and you said?
(510): that that's fine cause i was ready to be a mom. yeah - he magically had a condom he forgot about after that.

(847): I accidentally had sex with my boyfriend's twin last night...and he didn't stop me.
(1-847): How was it?
(847): Fantastic, but that's not the point.

(812): My girlfriend went down on me and as she did she hummed the theme from star wars and pretended my dick was a lightsaber...I'm buying the engagement ring tomorrow

(813): I'm fucking your sister right now.
(1-813): You motherfucker
(813): She's next.

(775): before smithy murders me i need you to know 3 things. 1) i got with smithy's little sister last night. 2) i will always love you like my own brother. 3) smithy's little sis digs anal.

(410): can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? can you paint with al the colors of the windddd
(443): wasted?
(410): im pocohantasssss

(512): i just sat at a stop sign for 10 minutes waiting for it to turn green. i need to STOP SMOKING THIS SHIT.

(347): in the middle of sex he stopped to tell me that he loved me... then slapped my ass and told me "back to business"... im gonna marry him

(857): seriously iPhone. stop autocorrecting all my fucks into ducks. you're making all my strong worded texts look harmless and adorable.

(443): I'm a gentlemen, chivalry is what i do, i'll open the door, pull out your chair, buy your drinks, i'll even go down first, but when it comes to mario kart, i draw the line. I'm sorry but i just can't let you beat me at mario kart

(330): I don't know where I am but the food in the fridge is awesome.

(908): It was at that point the crowd that gathered realized i wasn't getting arrested, and passed the sobriety tests. I got a standing ovation from 25 strangers

(484): Just heard a guy discussing with someone else the amazing blow job you gave him. IÂ’m in New York. Over 2 hours away from where you live. I have never been more proud.

(425): i learned a valuable lesson last night. sometimes nice girls finish first. twice.

(248): Kristen just told everyone at the bar that I've got a huge dick, now Brittany is giving me the eye. What is the opposite of FML?

(219): Dude, I just saw a bird vs. squirrel fight. A car won.

(214): dude. I'm so drunk.
(972): pete, this is bryce's mom
(214): I can't wait to have my cock in your ass
(972): pete, this is still bryce's mom

(916): So does your leg always twitch violently when someone plays with your clitoris? Or has my ten years of piano playing finally paid off?

(704 ): I got so high last night I started crying because i couldn't stop thinking about how scary space is

(978): i just used the Cadillac of toilet papers. For a minute i actually forgot i was even wiping my ass....i thought i was floating butt first into heaven

(905): Just found a glow stick inside of my vagina..
(1-905): With the amount of traffic your vagina gets, it was only a matter of time before someone threw a rave there.

(469): i just woke up and "where the fuck is taco bell" was in my search engine...

(757): I forgot i ate a salad for dinner, so while i was barfing in his toilet, i kept screaming "i ate leaves?? i cant believe you let me eat leaves!"

(562): Whatever. They have the same name, so it's not even cheating. It's brand loyalty.

(250): Ask me how many people I've slept with. Because its changed since I last saw you.
(1-250): I saw you 20 MINUTES AGO. You need to stop this.

(616): who are you and why are you in my phone as dr. seuss

(519): and by charming I mean he has a horse cock.