


- the world keeps burning

I was forced to...Lauantai 16.12.2006 16:43

159 anto pongoja.

5.2.2004 sain IQTest.comilta 150, josta he sanoivat seuraavaa.

Genius: 146 - 165
High Genius: 166 - 180
Highest Genius: 181 - 200
Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200

Ois niin kivaa olla Beyond measuring typ'a guy.

Razorblade salvationTorstai 14.12.2006 14:33

I know that times been hard
I know that you've been feelin' down
If you only know how I'm feeling for you

If I could take your pain
I wish that I could wash it all away
If you only know how I'm feeling...

Mommy I'm sorry if my first letter made you cry
To be honest with you I don't think that I wanna die
Sometimes I feel like that I'm cancerous in others lives
Thats prolly why I drink at night and sleep till 4 or 5
It's kinda hard walking through life with my distorted eyes
When I was younger I was stupid and I thought I thrived
I thought alot about everything I said in the letter
And questioned whether or not if I was dead you'd be better
You think my shorty would be happy if I never met her
It's too late now mommy I could never forget her

You've been runnin' around for so long
You've been hurting yourself too much
You keep messin' around with darkness
You're the one who's losin'

Better to die and sleep then never wake and sleep
Then linger on and dare to live when your souls life is gone

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 11.12.2006 02:57

Joo'o. Jos sitä forssin poika taas koittais vähän skarpata. Pari viikkoo streittinä ja ihmisiks. Ni ei tarttis harmitella.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 11.12.2006 02:49

Sometimes it feels like the world's on my shoulders
Everyone's leaning on me
Cos sometimes it feels like the world's almost over
But then she come back to me


I act like shit, dont face me
Inside it drives me crazy
My insecurities could eat me alive


And just know that I grow colder the older I grow
This boulder on my shoulder gets heavy and harder to hold
And this load is like the weight of the world
And I think my neck is breaking should I just give up
Or try to live up to these expectations?

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.12.2006 22:18

Just think, what if you could just, just blink yourself away?
-Black Thought

I would be so fucking happy right now.

You were right...Maanantai 04.12.2006 14:17

And you,
Were right to bide your time and not buy into my misery
Well the good things are never free
Do the colours of the rainbow look the same to everyone?
And I,
Was rushing round in circles for a reason to believe
Wipe the slime from off your sleeve
You could follow me for weeks
And I'm not going anywhere
Sometimes it's hard to love someone
Till the day that they are gone


And I
Was busy finding answers while you just got on with real life
Always hoped you'd be my wife
But I never found the time
For the question to arrive
I just disguised it in a song

And songs are never quite the answer
Just a soundtrack to a life
That is over all too soon
Helps to turn the days to night
While I was wrong and you were right

And this was a lesson learned
I'm happy to be your fool
And get you tickets to what you need

I'm turning the lights down low
I'm ready to make my move
I'll get you tickets to what you need

Happy birfday to meeeeee....Maanantai 04.12.2006 14:03

Joo'o. Ois syntsät (kiitokset kaikille jotka onnitteli (tähän mennessä 2, jee wohou uskomatonta)) mut syntsäfiilis ihan snadisti kateissa. Viikonloppuna en ihan täysiä saanu luettua mikroprosessorien tenttiin (erityisesti sunnuntain huippusuoritus 20 sivua oli maailmoja ravisteleva, sain saman verran luettua tänään aamulla tunnnissa) joten tää vanhenemispäivä pitäs käyttää helvetillisen kokonaan siihen hommaan. + en voi juhlistaa juuri mitenkään (päihtyminenhän siis on ehdottomasti ainoa järkevä tapa juhlistaa vanhentumistaan) koska on se tentti huomenna. vittu että on paljon sulkuhuomautuksia, ihan itteekin vituttaa.


Huomen vois sit vaik vähä riipasta. Paitti et tentit lähestyy jo, enää reilu viikko piiriteoriaan ja kaks muihin kauhistuksiin. kamalaa. Joten riipaisun jälkiseuraamuksista tulisi valtava syyllisyydentunto mitä selvimminkin. Oon vähän elämätön ja surkea.

Bleh. Death, come already. What are you waiting for? Christmas?

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.11.2006 04:18

Sit around and watch the tube, but nothing's on
Change the channels for an hour or two
Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit
I'm sick of all the same old shit
In a house with unlocked doors
And I'm fucking lazy

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored I'm going blind
And I smell like shit

Peel me off this velcro seat and get me moving
I sure as hell can't do it by myself
I'm feeling like a dog in heat
Barred indoors from the summer street
I locked the door to my own cell
And I lost the key

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored I'm going blind
And I smell like shit

I got no motivation
Where is my motivation?
No time for motivation
Smoking my inspiration

Sit around and watch the phone, but no one's calling
Call me pathetic, call me what you will
My mother says to get a job
But she don't like the one she's got
When masturbation's lost its fun
You're fucking lazy

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored
I'm going blind

And loneliness has to suffice
Bite my lip and close my eyes
I was slipping away to paradise
Some say,"Quit or I'll go blind"

But it's just a myth
Sarkasmi sanoo (13:24):
Gwen Stefani tuo jodlauksen takas

ei vittu saatana mitä paskaa. ei voi ymmärtää jumalauta vitun saatana. saatanan vittu, ei jumalauta!