


What does your soul look like?

OMG PAKKOLauantai 03.03.2012 02:01

Which Robin Are You?

Dick Grayson (1st Robin)

[ ] You are male
[ ] You are the eldest of your siblings
[ ] You are in gymnastics/know some acrobatic moves
[ ] You love the circus
[ ] You have lost someone precious to you in death
[x] You are caring and kind
[x] You wear/enjoy briefs instead of boxers
[ ] You live with one parent/guardian
[x] You say “Holy ____” a lot
[ ] You have had many girlfriends/boyfriends
[x] You have quit a team before
[x] You have made a name for yourself
[] You have blue eyes
[x] You have black hair

Jason Todd (2nd Robin)

[ ] You are male
[ ] You are the second eldest of your siblings
[ ] You own a gun
[x] You have failed at something
[x] You have had a near-death experience
[x] You are headstrong and moody
[ ] You make rash decisions
[x] You have inner turmoil no one understands
[x] You have a grudge against someone
[x] You arenÂ’t afraid to get your hands dirty
[ ] You are out for revenge
[ ] You prefer to work alone
[ ] You have blue eyes
[ ] You have red hair


Tim Drake (3rd Robin)

[ ] You are male
[x] You are the third eldest of your siblings
[ ] You come from a wealthy family
[x] You idolize someone
[x] You think things through
[/] You are intelligent and quick to think
[ ] You are good at figuring out puzzles
[ ] You are a leader
[/] You get good grades
[ ] You fight with your younger sibling(s) a lot
[x] You lose your temper easily sometimes
[ ] Your favorite color is red
[ ] You have blue eyes
[x] You have black hair

Stephanie Brown (4th Robin)
[x] You are female
[ ] You are the fourth eldest of your siblings
[ ] You donÂ’t get along with your father
[ ] You father has been in jail
[ ] You are impulsive
[ ] You have dated someone from your same team (job/sports/etc.)
[x] You always feel you have something to prove
[ ] You have had a child
[ ] You change your appearance often
[ ] You can play with the boys just as easily as with the girls
[x] You have seriously thought about faking your own death
[ ] You have blue eyes
[ ] You have blonde hair

Damian Wayne (5th Robin)

[] You are male
[x] You are the youngest of your siblings
[ ] You belong to a wealthy blood-line
[ ] You are short
[ ] You are mature for your age
[ ] You are always angry
[x] You fight a lot, whether verbally or physically
[ ] Your parents are/have been divorced
[x] You curse a lot
[x] You admire your father
[ ] You live with only your father
[x] You like cats
[ ] You have blue eyes
[x] You have black hair


Mikä mä olen. .__.

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