


Get on the floor, just let it drive, don't it feel good, don't it feel hot? Feel the fire within

-Torstai 01.11.2012 16:42

Broken Pieces, break into me
So imperfectly what you should be

I don't want you to go
Don't wanna see you back out in the cold
Air you're breathing out fades you to gray
Don't run away, find me

I know the battles of chasing the shadows of who you wanna be
It doesn't matter, go on and shatter
I'm all you need

Broken pieces, break into me
So imperfectly what you should be
Lay here, it's safe here, I'll let you be broken open
Hide here, confide here so we can be broken open

Let's enlighten the night
We can fall away, slip out of sight
When you drop your guard
Melt into time, so intertwined, Quiet

I know the battles of chasing the shadows of who you wanna be
It doesn't matter, go on and shatter
I'm all you need

Broken pieces, break into me
So imperfectly what you should be
Lay here, it's safe here, I'll let you be broken open
Hide here, confide here so we can be broken open

Lay here, it's safe here, I'll let you be broken open
Hide here, confide here so we can be broken open

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