


gaggara maggara! Kakara Pakara!!!!

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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 01.06.2006 19:27

About You
full name Karoliina Peters
nicknames Karo, Gagara, Gagsu
birthdate 01.09.1990
location Helsinki
height 5'8'' about..abit less..
hair color Blond
eye color Blue/Green
siblings Got A Sis
pets No pets
worst fear Squirrels are yök !

color Blue, Red, Brown
movie Finding Neverland, The beach, Lucky Number Slevin
artist/band Augustana, Coldplay, Oasis
songs Boston
tv show Lost, The O.C.
place to shop H&M, New Look
subject in school Sports, Finnish, Civics
smell Lacoste - Touch Of Sun
food Anything ... Chinese, Indian, Thai and Italian

Have You Ever?
made a prank call? Yeappie
lied? Sometimes
snuck out of the house? No need to
skipped school? Yes
ran away? No !
broken the law? Yea,
done something embarrassing? Always
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? when i was smaller
wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? Yes
been to a concert? Yes
been kissed? Obviously
kissed someone? Yes
been in love? hmm...
cheated on someone? Never, And never Will
had a hard time getting over someone? Yes

Do You?
color your hair? Yes
have any tattoos? No.. I will..
have any piercings? Yes... on my ears
have any bad habits? yeappie..
wish you were someone else? NO !
play an instrument? NO!
wear cologne/perfume? Always
own a thong? YES !
wear contacts/glasses? Nope

would you like to kiss? Someone
makes you laugh? Many people
makes you smile? Many people
do you tell everything to? Maija and Mira
has a crush on you? Dont know
can make you feel better no matter what? Chocolate

More About You
what song makes you cry? Many.. BOSTON..
what song makes you happy? Many...
what makes you happy? music.. Little Britain..
do you wish on stars? NO!

When Was The Last Time You...?
drank alcohol? Today
smoked? two days ago..
kissed someone? Last Sunday
went to the mall? never... mall is american ! Fuck THEM !
were on stage? A month ago i guess.. the play thingy..
cut your hair? About 3 weeks ago..
stole something? Cant remember

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