


don't really care what gentlemen prefer.

Still in my bloodMaanantai 12.10.2009 00:00

I'm an animal
I'm a victim
I'm the answer to your prayers
I'm a witness,
On a witch hunt
I'm the monster up the stairs
I'm the ghost that's
In the mirror
I'm everything that you fear
I'm the rip tide
I'm the soul-shock
I'm the voice that's in your ear

I've seen it all
Still can't taste it
Smashed to the wall
You brought me to my knees
I've done it all
Fucked up, wasted
Still in my blood
But now inside I'm seeing

I'm the hunted
I'm the predator
I'm the answer to the riddle
I'm the up-beat
I'm the head-fuck
I'm the way off left of the middle
I'm the player
I'm the naive
I'm the one who's NOT ADDICTED
I'm the logic
To the fuck up
I'm the broken one who fixed it

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