


Sex, Drugs ja Räppistarban elämä

12 things you think when you are drunkTiistai 23.03.2010 23:58

1. I'm not drunk, of course I can drink some more!

2. Omg I'm so hot!

3. I can dance anything, let's try salsa.

4. The Dj needs me and my music-tips.

5. I sing very well and know all the lyrics... perfect

6. Tequila? That's a good idea!

7. I'll just rest a little bit...

8. It's too early to go home now - who will throw a morning-party?

9. Everyone would love a naughty text now!

10. It's not far, let's walk!

11. The floor looks nice, I will lie down here..

12. Anybody will be turned on if I dance like a porno-star.

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