


enjoy the little things in life. for some day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.10.2013 22:22

You're fucking crazy, if you think that I'll ever change
I am I, I am me, I'll never change my ways
I'm a monster, and that's how I'll stay
Condemned to predetermined damnation for eternity
Damnation for eternity

I don't want you to cry, I don't even want you to care
Don't you dare pray for me, no
These things I bury inside to keep away from the light
Don't you dare pray for me

I been so far gone for so long
And I can't keep my head up off the bottom
Holy fuck, why do I bother
I'm never gonna get any better
I've waited so long to declare
"I don't give a fuck if I die today."
Holy shit, I've lost my mind
Reality is starting to unwind

Don't pray for me

I don't want you to cry, I don't even want you to care
Don't you dare pray for me, no
These things I bury inside to keep away from the light
Don't you dare pray for me

I don't want you to cry, I don't even want you to care
Don't you dare pray for me, no
These things I bury inside to keep away from the light
Don't you dare pray for me

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