


The pain will never fail.

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Nyt ei kyl vituta..mut silti..Torstai 19.11.2009 13:49

I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.11.2009 21:33

//Taaksepiirtyvä hiljaisuus oleskelee levottomasti kanssani
Ei ole väliä missä olen, olen yksin
Itken kovaa kyyneliä verestä jota vuodan joten vitut maailmasta
Minä menen nyt en välitä... (kuka välittää)?

Kävelen kohti kuoleman loppua, kävelen aivan yksin
Kaksi askelta sitten menin ohi hulluudesta
Ei siellä ole tähdenvaloa opastamassa tietäni ulos tästä laskevan kuolemantuomion
Joten nyt on aikani mennä..\\

So close and so far..Keskiviikko 18.11.2009 16:08

//Give me a reason
Why would you want me to live and die
Living a lie?
You were the answer all that I needed to justify
Justify my life\\

I struggle just to find a better way..Tiistai 17.11.2009 14:11

//So here we are, fighting and trying to hide the scars
I'll be home tonight, take a breath and softly say goodbye
The lonely road, the one that I should try to walk alone
I'll be home tonight, take a breath and softly say goodbye\\
//She was like April sky
Sunrise in her eyes
Child of light, shining star
Fire in her heart
Brightest day, melting snow
Breaking through the chill
October and april

He was like frozen sky
In October night
Darkest cloud in the storm
Raining from his heart?
Coldest snow, deepest chill?
Tearing down his will?
October and April\\

I wanna fuck you like a foreign film.Lauantai 14.11.2009 22:24

//It doesn't matter how many times I say it
It never gets old
That's why I have to say wow\\

8( vituttaa.Lauantai 14.11.2009 21:32

I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.
I can't sleep until I devour you.

Örr.Lauantai 14.11.2009 19:25

Pain - made to order

I'm not the second coming, I'm the first wave
Better get an army, 'cause the fire left me unscathed
You betcha bottom dollar I'm the top of the shit pile
So stick around 'cause I'll get to you in just a few
Step off the achtung, get back or get stung
Idiotic sense of yourself, are you that dumb?
Entire legion of me, totalitarian
The one and only muthafucka, top of the world man

'Cause I can't stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it
In other words, consider me branded
Another version of me, another version of you
Both barrels - what you gonna do?

All I hear is human noise
You made your own fuckin' choice
I belong to only me
Silence for my revelry

I can only die over time
Filthy hands, stay away from mine
Every reason is a right to hate
Painful clutch - death is fine, gimme mine

Only one of us walks away

Somebody explain this
You don't care 'cause you don't exist
What the fuck is this another joke?

Only one of us walks away

~Slipknot - Only one~

Yhh.Perjantai 13.11.2009 12:45

//Niin kirjoitin liikaa eilen taas
Kirjoitin sulle uudestaan
Pitäisi muistaa uskaltaa
Pitäisi muistaa yrittää

Maanantai ei ollut taaskaan kaikkein armelian
On turhaa koittaa olla onnellinen
Minä tiedän kyllä sen
Minä tiedän kyllä sen miltä tuntuu\\

Prot ideat aamulla oy.Perjantai 13.11.2009 11:57

Historia ♥
Puhuttiin Yhdysvaltoje sisällissodasta. Siinä sitten keksin, et vois alkaa sotimaan siellä luokassa. Laittais ne pöydät sillai muuriksi ja sit jollai palloil pommittais 8D Satuki innostu aiheesta ♥ Minä oisin Napoleon ku oon nii pätkä 8( Ois semmone iso hattu päässä ainki. Ja sit karttakepil osottelee ja huutais 'hyökkäykseen' 8D Satu ois sit Hitler ♥ Sitku alkais kuuluu kauheeta meteliä sieltä, ni joku epätoivonen tulee ovesta jonku valkoselipun kanssa ja pyytää rauhaa. Se sit ammutaan heti ♥