


The pain will never fail.

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[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 18.06.2014 16:56

Paskat mä jaksa tuot giffi juttuu..
Mut laitoimpa viestiä tatuoijalle ja kyselin hintoi ja esittelin ideaani minkä haluisin!!! AAAH ♥

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 17.06.2014 20:21

Day 01: Favourite animated gif of a movie star
Day 02: Favourite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favourite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favourite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favourite movie
Day 06: Favourite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favourite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favourite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favourite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favourite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favourite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favourite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favourite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favourite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favourite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favourite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favourite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favourite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favourite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favourite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favourite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favourite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you send to someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31: An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 16.06.2014 03:18

Day 01: Favourite animated gif of a movie star
Day 02: Favourite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favourite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favourite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favourite movie
Day 06: Favourite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favourite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favourite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favourite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favourite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favourite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favourite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favourite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favourite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favourite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favourite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favourite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favourite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favourite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favourite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favourite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favourite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you send to someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31: An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 14.06.2014 03:00

Day 01: Favourite animated gif of a movie star
Day 02: Favourite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favourite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favourite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favourite movie
Day 06: Favourite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favourite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favourite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favourite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favourite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favourite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favourite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favourite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favourite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favourite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favourite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favourite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favourite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favourite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favourite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favourite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favourite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you send to someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31: An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2014 20:45

Day 01: Favourite animated gif of a movie star
Day 02: Favourite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favourite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favourite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favourite movie
Day 06: Favourite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favourite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favourite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favourite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favourite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favourite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favourite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favourite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favourite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favourite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favourite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favourite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favourite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favourite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favourite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favourite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favourite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you send to someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31: An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.06.2014 02:36

Day 01: Favourite animated gif of a movie star
Day 02: Favourite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favourite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favourite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favourite movie
Day 06: Favourite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favourite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favourite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favourite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favourite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favourite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favourite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favourite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favourite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favourite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favourite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favourite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favourite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favourite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favourite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favourite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favourite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you send to someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31: An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

Lol kattoo ny jaksaako :DTorstai 12.06.2014 15:38

Day 01: Favourite animated gif of a movie star
Day 02: Favourite animated gif of a rock star
Day 03: Animated gif of your favourite band
Day 04: Animated gif of your favourite singer
Day 05: Animated gif of your favourite movie
Day 06: Favourite animated gif of a face
Day 07: Favourite animated gif of a body
Day 08: Favourite animated gif of a female
Day 09: Favourite animated gif of a male
Day 10: Favourite animated gif of an animal
Day 11: Favourite animated gif of a smile
Day 12: Favourite animated gif of tears
Day 13: Favourite animated gif of surprise
Day 14: Favourite animated gif of sadness
Day 15: Favourite animated gif that inspires you
Day 16: Favourite animated gif from a cartoon
Day 17: Favourite animated gif from a TV show
Day 18: Favourite animated gif of a movie
Day 19: Favourite animated gif of a celebrity
Day 20: Favourite animated gif of a Z list celebrity
Day 21: Favourite animated gif with subtitles
Day 22: Favourite animated gif of someone dancing
Day 23: An animated gif you send someone you love
Day 24: An animated gif you send to someone you hate
Day 25: An animated gif you send to those who annoy you
Day 26: An animated gif you send to those who make you laugh
Day 27: An animated gif you send to those who are stupid
Day 28: An animated gif that is your guilty secret
Day 29: An animated gif you recently forwarded
Day 30: An animated gif that was recently forwarded to you
BONUS: Day 31: An animated gif you send to those who you want to STFU

He hit me and it felt like a kiss .Torstai 12.06.2014 01:31

I could have died right there.
I love you the first time.
I love you the last time.
Yo soy la princesa, comprende these late nights.

I can hear sirens sirens..Keskiviikko 11.06.2014 02:32

To be contiuned act 1Keskiviikko 04.06.2014 15:45

Hänen nimensä:
(x) voin kertoa: J ♥
( ) en kerro:

Hänen ikänsä:
( ) hän on samanikäinen kuin sinä
(x) hän on sinua nuorempi
( ) hän on sinua vanhempi

Hänen ulkonäkönsä:
(x) söpö
(x) håt
(x) komea
(x) mun silmissä kaikkein kuumin ♥
( ) blondi
(x) brune
( ) mustat hiukset
( ) värjätyt hiukset
( ) ruskeat silmät
(/) siniset silmät
(/) vihreät silmät
( ) jonkun muun väriset silmät
( ) lyhyt
(x) normi
( ) pitkä
(/) suuret silmät
( ) pienet silmät

Hänen luonteensa:
(x) hauska
(x) sosiaalinen
(X) äänekäs
(x) hiljainen
(x) rohkea
(x) ujo
(x) pelle
(x) outo
(x) pervo
(x) tyhmä
(x) pahis
(/) kovis

Tiedät hänen:
(x) koko nimensä
(x) numeronsa
(x) osoitteensa
(Ei oo) luokkansa
(x) syntymäpäivänsä
(x) facebookinsa
( ) lemmikkinsä (jos on)
(x) perheenjäsentensä nimet
(x) lempiruokansa
(x) harrastuksensa
(x) mihin hän kuluttaa vapaa-aikansa
(x) parhaan ystävänsä nimen

(x) jutelleet
(x) nauraneet
(x) viettäneet aikaa kaksin vapaa-ajalla
(x) ...tai kaveriporukassa
(No lukios sillee jännäst) viettäneet aikaa koulussa
(x) suudelleet
(x) pitäneet toisianne kädestä kiinni
(x) hän on tarjonnut sinulle esim. karkkia
(x) tekstailleet
(x) soitelleet
(x) jutelleet netissä

(x) hän pitää sinusta
(x) hän on ihastunut sinuun
(x) hän käyttäytyy seurassasi oudosti
(x) hän on katsellut sinua
(x) hymyillyt sinulle
(x) heiluttanut sinulle
(x) flirttaillut sinulle
( ) hän ei pidä sinusta

Hänen siviilisäätynsä:
( ) sinkku
(x) varattu
( ) säätöä
( ) et tiedä
( ) toivot että sinkku

1. Onko hänessä huonoja puolia?
- Osaa olla todella ärsyttävä välillä. Tahallaan ja ilman.
2. Oletko kertonut hänestä kavereillesi?
- Ofc.
3. Jos olet, mitä mieltä he olivat?
- IHQ JERE lol. >'DD Kyl nää tykkää.
4. Seurusteletteko?
- Aina ja ikuisest.
5. Oletteko samalla luokalla?
- Ee.
6. Edes samassa koulussa?
- Ee.
7. Jos teistä tulee pari, aijotko ilmoittaa asiasta netissä (esim. facessa?)
- On jo.
8. Miltä tuntuisi, jos saisit selville että hän tupakoi?
- Toruisin. Mut ei se.
9. ...tai vetäisi joka päivä kännit?
- On se vetäny mut ei ennää.
10. ...tai seurustelisi jonkun toisen kanssa?
- Todel pahalt..emmä kestäis.
11. Käyttääkö hän päihteitä?
- Alkomahoolii.
12. Onko hän ihastunut johonkuhun?
- Minuun c:
13. Ajatteletko häntä usein?
- Ain ♥
14. Sopiiko iskulause "Lainaisitko karttaa, eksyin sun silmiis?" häneen?
- Jooh.
15. Voisitko katsella häntä vaikka ikuisuuden?
- Juu.
16. Sulattaako hänen hymynsä sydämesi?
- Joo (: ♥
17. Millaisia vaatteita hän käyttää?
- Iha perus bändipaitoi hupparei farkkui..
18. Onko hän seurustellut aikaisemmin?
- Ei näi vakavast ainka. Jtn normi pienii säätöi.
19. Mitä muut ihmiset ajattelevat hänestä?
- Mitä kukakin ny..
20. Onko sinulla juuri nyt ikävä häntä?
- Oon ;/
21. Milloin näet hänet seuraavan kerran?
- Lalalalauantainaa ♥