


Found My Signs For Divinity

FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOOM!Lauantai 21.06.2008 01:17

Jämsään NYT!Torstai 19.06.2008 22:17

HEEEEI!!! Meikä lähteen nyh jämsään jussiks joten moro horot... ja jämsäläiset nähään just.

Parta indexiTorstai 12.06.2008 21:42

20 päivää

Parta indexiTiistai 03.06.2008 00:55

10:n päivän kasvu
tässä esimerkkiä ihmisen eläimellisyydestä, käärme luo nahkansa 1 vuodessa

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.05.2008 20:14

Eli jokainen, joka lukee tätä blogiani (sattumalta tai tarkoituksella) on velvoitettu vastaamaan näihin kysymyksiin. Kaikkein parasta olisi, jos viitsisit kirjoittaa kommenttisi alkuun kysymyksen numeron ja voisin lukea vastauksesi KAIKKIIN kysymyksiin kommentteina blogistani (olisin kerrankin suosittu). Mukavaa ja helppoa, right? Sitten vastattuasi kopsaa tämä omaan blogiisi ja velvoita muutkin vastaamaan (tai ainakin se henkilö, jolle olet itsekin joutunut vastaamaan), niin kierre jatkuu. Smiley Comprende? Eikun toimiin sitten vain. Smiley

01. Kuka olet?
02. Olemmeko ystäviä vai millainen on suhteesi minuun?
03. Koska ja miten tapasimme?
04. Mikä on paras ja pahin luonteenpiirteeni?
05. Uskaltaisitko halata minua?
06. Anna minulle lempinimi, ja kerro miksi valitsit juuri sen?
07. Kuvaile minua yhdellä sanalla
08. Mikä oli ensivaikutelmasi minusta?
09. Oletko edelleen samaa mieltä?
10. Mikä muistuttaa sinua minusta?
11. Jos voisit antaa minulle mitä tahansa, mitä se olisi?
12. Miten hyvin tunnet minut?
13. Koska näimme viimeksi?
14. Halusitko joskus kertoa minulle jotain, mitä et ole pystynyt kertomaan?
15. Aioitko pistää tämän blogiisi ja katsoa, mitä minä kertoisin sinusta?
Try to make it through my life, in my way, there's you
I try to make it through these lies, that's all I do

Just don't deny it
Don't try to fight this and deal with it, yeah
Just deal with it
And that's just part of it

If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
Just go and leave this all behind
'Cause I swear, I swear
I don't care

I try to make you see my side
I always try to stay in line
But your eyes see right through
That's all they do

I'm getting buried in this place
I've got no room, you're in my face
Don't say anything, just go away

If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
Just go and leave this all behind
'Cause I swear, I swear
I don't care

THE GAME HAS STARTEDTiistai 06.05.2008 01:10

Tell me exactly
what am I supposed to do?
Now that I have
allowed you to beat me!
Do you think that
we could play another game?
Maybe I can win this time?
I kind of like
the misery you put me through.
Darling, you can trust me
If you even try
to look the other way,
I think that I could kill this time

It doesn't really seem
I'm getting through to you.
Though I see you weeping so sweetly.
I think that you might
have to take another taste,
a little bit of hell this time.

Is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now run for her life
in the battle that ends this day?
Is she not right?!
Is she insane?!
Will she now run for her life
now that she LIED TO ME!

You always wanted
people to remember you.
You leave your little mark on
Don't you know your wish
is coming true today?
Another victim dies tonight.

is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now run for her life
in the battle that ends this day?
Is she not right?!
Is she insane?!
Will she now run for her life
now that she LIED TO ME!

Is she really telling lies again?
Doesn't she realize she's in danger?

Is she not right?
Is she insane?
Will she now run for her life
in the battle that ends this day?
Is she not right?!
Is she insane?!
Will she now run for her life
now that she LIED TO ME!

The little bitch,
she went and she told A LIE!
Now she will never tell another.
The little bitch,
she went and she told A LIE!