
The Machismo Test Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 20:05

1. After viewing a “guy flick” filled with tons of juicy car chases and fight scenes, do you walk out of the movie with an overwhelming desire to put the “peddle to the medal” or pick a scrap with the first guy who looks at you the wrong way?

X Not really - itÂ’s only a movie after all.

Somewhat - though I would never act on it.

Absolutely – I’ve got to release my adrenaline-overload somehow.

2. Do you often brag about your sexual conquests?

X Of course. I have an image to uphold – even if I have to stretch the truth a little.

Sometimes, but only if the other guys start talking about theirs.

Never. ItÂ’s nobodyÂ’s business what goes on in my private life, or that of my partner(s) for that matter.

3. If a buddy dared you to do some crazy stunt like bungee jumping, would you do it?

IÂ’d insist he do it first. This way, if he chickens out, it gives me an excuse to back out.

IÂ’d do it. I refuse to turn down any dare.

X Are you nuts?

4. Your main squeeze has requested that, for a change, sheÂ’ll drive you around. You would most likely:

Refuse outright - youÂ’re the manÂ…youÂ’ll drive.

X Try to discourage the idea—you’re much more comfortable when you’re in the driver’s seat.

Agree - why should you always have to be the chauffeur?

5. Your lover has delicately suggested that your performance in bed leaves a little to be desired. What is your reaction?

X IÂ’d ask her to tell me what she didnÂ’t like and what I could improve.

IÂ’d be a little upset and embarrassed but IÂ’d get over it. I might use a few new or different moves to impress her next time around.

IÂ’d naturally assume she is insane and break up with her.

6. While hanging at a bar, a handful of drunks start picking on your buddy. Even with your help, you and your friend are hopelessly outnumbered and will probably end up with a serious ass-whooping. You would:

X Try to talk some sense into them – if that fails; you’ll let your fists do the talking.

Jump in fists and all, and hope for the best.

Wish your friend luck and run like the wind!

7. You find yourself unemployed and in serious need of some immediate cash. The only job offering open to you right now is that of an apprentice hairdresser. Would you accept the position?

Why not? It might ultimately become a good career choice and creative outlet.

IÂ’d accept it until something else came along.

X No way. IÂ’d rather starve than accept such a girly job.

8. You and your buddies are watching a movie with some serious tear-jerking scenes. One of your friends is so touched by the film that he is moved to tears. Your reaction is to:

Be completely disgusted. Guys donÂ’t cry!

X Tease him a little – if only to distract yourself from that lump in your throat.

Pass the tissue, as you reacted to the film exactly the same way. Hey guys can cry too you know!

9. Do you ever behave towards women in a way that might make them feel demeaned or objectified such as referring to them as: “chicks”, “broads”, “toots”, “babes” “peaches”, bunnies”, “bimbos” etc.?

Sometimes, but not intentionally.

I wouldnÂ’t dare!

X Demeaned? Objectified? Feel? — Uh, I don’t think I understand the question.

10. Which of the following celebrities do you identify with the most?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

X Mel Gibson

Justin Timberlake

Your score is: 50

What does your score mean?

While you don’t totally ooze machismo, you’ve still got quite a few musky male qualities. You may appear to be a typically “macho” kind of guy on the surface, but there’s more to you beneath that tough exterior. Although you’re not afraid to show your sensitive side, no one would accuse you of being a wimp. Your controlled competitive spirit makes you fun to hang with, while your sensitivity likely makes you quite appealing to women. This is a great balance to have – just remember that men who are truly secure in their manhood don’t really feel the need to prove it.

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