
The Ethics Test Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 20:15

Got a heart of gold? Are you an angel in disguise or do you have a bit of a rebellious devil in you? Find out if you love to be bad with The Ethics Test.

1. Would you appear in a pornographic movie if you could be sure that your friends and family would never see it?

X No

2. Would you sell a story to the tabloids for $5,000,000 knowing it will ruin the life of a celebrity you don't know personally?

X Yes

3. Do you agree with the following statement? 'If drugs were legal, I'd totally do them.'

X No

4. You accidentally run over a little dog with your car. Do you:

X Keep driving.

Contact the owner and explain the situation.

Contact the owner, but say somebody else did it.

5. You meet a strikingly attractive person at a bar. They want to have sex and so do you. One problem: you think you may have a venereal disease, but you're not sure. Would you:

X Sleep with them, use a condom, but not tell them you might be infected.

Take your chances and tell them.

Refrain from sex until you see a doctor.

6. Your best friend tells you they stole $10,000 from a charity. Do you turn them in?

X No

7. Would you post naked pictures of your dirt bag ex on the Internet?

X No

8. Do you agree with the following statement? 'It's okay to steal from huge corporations, because they're inherently dishonest themselves.'

X No

9. Would you exaggerate your losses on an insurance claim?

X Yes

10. Have you ever lied to get someone in the sack?

X No

Your score is: 50

Your test score showed that you are walking a fine line between ethical and corrupt. While you don't always choose the lowdown and dirty route to getting what you want, you do commit the occasional no-no. Societal rules may change over time and across cultures, but there are certain behaviors that are just no good. Lying, cheating, stealing... there's no arguing that these are low-down and dirty. You seem to be torn in two directions; being decent or playing dirty to get what you want. And, in certain situations, the temptation is too strong and you just can't resist because of potential rewards (5 million dollars, a night of great sex, etc.). Perhaps you are able to convince yourself afterwards that you're only human, that anyone would do it - or you suffer from a guilty conscience. Whatever the case, you should take a look at your wavering scruples and work on controlling those impulses. They may be human, but they can seriously hurt others or get you in hot water!

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