


Surrounded but alone

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Tulipa taas kirjoteltuaKeskiviikko 26.08.2009 01:31

"Tell me your story"
You said and glanced me with blink on your eyes

But I don't have a story to tell
I'm a boy without a name
I was born in the cold waters of the sea
I was raised by the waves of the ocean

Learned to stay in the shadows
Safe in a dream, dreaming in a dream of love
Wind whispering in my ear, my only music
Darkest of the nights and coldest of the days, my parents

Nemo of my time
Song without a rhyme
Loneliest child alive
Seeker of the world
Kind heart in a rime

I live forever for these moments
I seek until my hearts stops beating
For the one I belong, who can save me
Who can see the world like I can see

Wounded by the fall
Frozen by the winter
Woken by the spring
Longing for the sun

I live as long as the ocean can carry me
I cry until I can see the world like you

So, tell me your story?

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