


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.08.2008 22:36

Darkest night ever seen
Harvest of god took you within

Fly to a dream, float far with the stream
Look for your beautiful realm

Million words can't bring you back
I can write chapters without hearing your laugh again
Hundreds of tears falling through the riverbed
I can write a symphony without changing your pain

As you sail towards your haven
Remember the times, remember your friends
Even when you've passed the gates of heaven
You'll always be in our hearts and memories
You'll always be in our words and deeds

And again.. it's a new morn
But your spirit goes forevermore

Simon muistolle
24.11.1990 - 06.08.2008 †
Lepää rauhassa

Surrounded but aloneTorstai 07.08.2008 20:00

No one knows me
No one to understand how I feel
No one to listen my thoughts
Surrounded but alone

I'm so lost
This world keeps spinning me around
I'm hopeless
There's no cure for this disease

I can't take this anymore
Can't live in a lie
As my body sails to the shore
I know my days are gone
but I'm finally flying home

I know everybody keeps wondering why
I know everybody will feel betrayed
Someone may doubt me..
Surrounded but alone

Maybe I can explaine
but this world wouldn't understand
Lonely soul without a name
I keep on living here in my beautiful land

Surrounded but alone

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.08.2008 11:34

Jyväskylään -->

Tuun torstaina varmaanki takas, ni laittakaaha paljo kommenttia, ettei mul oo sit loppuvuonna muuta tekemistä, ku lukee niitä ;D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.08.2008 03:35

What's my reason to wake up tomorrow?Sunnuntai 03.08.2008 22:14

I've lost my will to live
my joy has disappeared
This life has no more to give
This desease chains me to my bed

You told me about feelings
You told me something I can't feel
You asked me about my feelings
I don't know.. but your sorrow I cannot heal

Many years of loneliness inside my heart
Emptiness has become my home
Many tears of loneliness falling from my heart
Deny your fears and I'll be gone

Everlasting moments beneath northern sky
Together sleeping eternal dream
In our minds.. only question why?
Why were we never ment to be

Many years of loneliness inside my heart
Emptiness has torn me apart

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.08.2008 20:54

Tiiättekö ku inhottaa, ku on nii iso pää? Mä tykkään kauheesti hatuista, mut minkää hattukaupan isoimmatkaan hatut ei mahu mun päähä :/ Ei must voi ylioppilastaka tulla, ku ei varmaa löydy sopivan kokosta :/

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.08.2008 00:35

haluu saunaan, mut ei haluu lämmittää pelkästää itellee sitä :/

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 31.07.2008 23:31

I mean.. have you ever ever even thought..?

what if.. I wouldn't always sacrifice everything for you?

AngelKeskiviikko 30.07.2008 17:51

As I finally close my eyes
from the world so cold
You are still there in my dreams..

There's so many things I'd like to say
but million miles keeps me away
Scenerys painted in white
Snow freezes my lonely heart

Too much they have done
to tear poet's heart apart
Too much they have said
to wash away songwriter's hope

Angel, there's no soul worth of your tears
not even mine filled with escapistic fears
Angel, you're made to fly out of my sight
but if you want.. please, bring me back to life

Your existence keeps me awake
This longing is what I hate
I'm going to die alone
when I'm gone could you bring me back to home

Too much they have done
to tear poet's heart apart
Too much they have said
to wash away songwriter's hope

Angel, there's no soul worth of your tears
not even mine filled with escapistic fears
Angel, you're made to fly out of my sight
but if you want.. please, bring me back to life

"In this war against humanity
no one hasn't gained freedom
Only fourthousand abducted soldiers
are falling again and again"

Now I seal this letter in red
with my heart's last drop
How I feel for your perfect soul..?
Answer is the last note

..joskus omistan elämänikin sinulle

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 26.07.2008 13:48

Tänään Luminositya kuultavissa Savottarockissa.. tapahtuma alkaa klo 18 The River Bastardsilla. Meidän soitto alkaa n. klo 20. Muita esiintyjiä: Anomus, Anomia, Eturintama, Whores of the Music Industry..

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