


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 05.12.2006 01:15

Okei, ehkä osaan myös valehella.. tiedättekö, et joskus tuntuu, ettei tälläisiä tämän tekstin henkilöitä ole, kuin yksi maailmassa. Kertokaa myös mielipiteitä täst lyriikan yrityksestä..

Hey, remember me
cause I remember you walking away

Everything I gave
for the movie that you named
And everything you gave
was a lock on your heart
but you throwed the key away

Hey, remember me
cause I remember you walking away

Just empty words we have to give
Only a memory of life I wish we'd lived
Can't let you go
but can't turn the world around

Everything fades
in the movie without ending
And everything you saw
was all that you have forgotten
feelings of unhuman love

Hey, remember me
cause I remember you walking away

My last breath
Can't hold on, I'm falling
If you want
keep my eyes closed when you're going

Hey, forget me
but I won't never forget you

Don't go awaySunnuntai 03.12.2006 22:52

I'm tired
but I don't want to fall a sleep
I like to watch your eyes shining in darkness

I take your hand
"Sleep sweetie
fly with your dreams"
Maybe you're awake
Could you be smiling?

Now when you're here
Don't go away
Stay here (stay here)
Don't go away
Just be here (be here)
Stay close by my side
That's what I've been missing

My thoughts are flying
upon those red stars
Is my hope dieing?
Or could we go over mars..
and far a away
on our way

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.12.2006 15:48

Walking through the same park were we just to love each other
Can I still recognize you beyond the shadows of darkness?
The misery of loosing you
Is the only thing left in me

There you were
sitting on the same park
I remember when you said
"I won't laugh"
but I think I saw a smile on your face

As beautiful as allways
but even more in saturday's moonlight
Something that can't be from this planet

Should I turn back when I see a crying girl?
No I won't, those days are past
There's so much that we could have been
but you never gave me a chance

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.12.2006 15:00

Rakas päiväkirja, tänään 2.12.2006 eli siljan synttäreitä seuraavana päivänä, kävin rullaluistelemassa hihattomassa paidassa. Joulupukilta toivoin lunta ja pientä pakkasta sekä pientä onnellisuutta. Hyvää joulua kaikille <3

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.12.2006 20:33

They took my heaven
So I need to walk on earth
They sold my hell
So I must be here forever

It's the place of coldness
Place with deep black mist
rising from the floor
And somebody on the door
with scythe on his shoulder
I can't deny, I'm a folder

My life is humanized
by militarist and fools
They've the power,
the people and the biggest tools
My life could end with one quick stab
of sharp knife
"Mistakes I've made a few
ended my life"

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.11.2006 23:40

And there she goes
all by herself
Walking under the citylights
turning heads of opposite sex
and rises the value of HEX

She is the goddess of my thoughts
She controls my mind, my feelings
After midnight
she comes to my sweetest dreams

She's again on the road
seems to found a guy
and they're going on the boat
In my mind I say: "Hi"
but she'd answer: "Bye bye"

Still she's on my mind
In my thoughts, in my eyes
I can't see her anywhere
Oh, tell me: "Where she hides?"
"Look upon the stars, you'll find the answer there"

She is the goddess of my thoughts
She controls my mind, my feelings
After midnight
she comes to my sweetest dreams

She is the goddess of my thoughts
She controls my mind, my feelings
Yesterday evening
she came to my nightmares

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.11.2006 22:42

Tässä saattaapi ollaa Stillbornin tulevaa lyriikkaa eli toisin sanoen mun kahen minuutin rävellys:

Hearing voices under my floor
Complaining about suffering
It must be you, my honey
screaming my filthy name time after time

Seeing these weird lights guiding my way
Making bloody cross on my wall
Again you're distorbing my mind
I'm not bying anything, so look for another mall

Now they passes me by
I'm blind, I must die
I feel their their anger, but I can't see the pain
Suffor is their symbol and death is their god
They tooked me within
eating entrails and drinking blood

I know, I'm ruined
like god's lamb in valley of hell
No excuses, this is it
You're not going to see me anymore

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.11.2006 22:33

Now, when all of my dreams are crushing down
I'm sitting on the corner and wondering: "Why and how?"
There's one thing, that could make me happy
On the other hand it's crushing my heart
but I think there's nothing I can do

I know the pain what one sentence can make
I know the game inside a picture
I know the fail that I've made
I know the rain inside my mind
when I can't hold you thight

This pressure
is too hard to messure
Just one look
and I'm ready to die
Just one smile
and I'm ready to die
Just one word
and I would do anything
I mean anything

We could share the world
or create a new one of our own
There isn't anything
what we can't do
Everything is allowed

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.11.2006 20:09

Mitä Bill Gatesin vaimo sanoi miehelleen hääyönä?
"Nyt tiedän mistä Microsoft on saanut nimensä."

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 16.11.2006 19:55

When you're not around me
I'm gonna fall