


Handicap @ Qnet/IRCnet

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.04.2009 18:30


Welcome the serpent tongues, those wanton fools
Unfurling their sickness via immoral tools
Infest, infect, invade our privacy
VIOLATE - the abscess is ready to burst

They throng in crowd to purge
Until blood begins to surge
Wolves among wolves

Bow down on leeches, kneel before the kings
Sons of perdition claim their pestilent wings
Confined in corruption, unified we stand
BLOODBATH - ashes of our kingdom drown in sand

We throng in crowd to purge
And the blood remains to surge

We are an obsolete creation - evolve or retreat
Welcome to the hell of your very own - (on demand) we're wolves among wolves

"So that is what hell is.
I would never have believed it.
You remember: the fire and brimstone, the torture.
Ah! the farce. There is no need for torture: hell is other people."
("No Exit" by Jean-Paul Sartre)

You betray the ones who stand right next to you
And slit the throats (that are) devouring all your truths
And when the judgement day is close at hand
ANNIHILATE - your throne is on the list of demand

We throng in crowd to purge
As the lies won't cease to merge

We are an obsolete creation - evolve or retreat
Welcome to the hell of your very own - (on demand) we're wolves among wolves

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