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Thursday is the new Friday.Torstai 13.08.2009 18:46

Yes, it's party time! I have my short shorts on and crocodile poloshirt. I out of Tabac so I used some detergent. Mustaches are trimmed and hair looks good. We are going to party with my mentor, Hakim, on at the peach party. It's wild!

Be well, my fans!

ReboundsKeskiviikko 12.08.2009 12:41

The importance of rebounds is huge. I think IÂ’m very good in rebounding. I AM the rebound of all rebounds. ItÂ’s like you have to crap the ball from the air in a plink of an eye when at the same time big guys are going for it too. And then the guy who has the ball has to pass the balls to teammate (if you are in your own end of the court) or shoot the balls (if you are in offence). ItÂ’s awesome! One second means everything! You have adrenaline pumping in your veins but you have to be calm as a cow. ThatÂ’s basketball, people! ThatÂ’s life. ThatÂ’s everything.

The same feeling I get only when I eat sausage or probably with my soon-to-be girlfriend.

Rebound, homies, rebound!

After the sausage.Maanantai 10.08.2009 16:00

Today I'm so in fire that I write twice in my diarrhea. I just did the dunk and had my sausages. I'm happy as a kite now.

It got me thinking about the meaning of life. Is it the happiness what you get after the perfect alley-oop? Or is it love? Or is it something else, like some secret thing we don't know? Or does everypody have their own meaning?

Jep, I got big thoughts, but now I have to stretch my legs. Be good!

Training and sausagesMaanantai 10.08.2009 13:35

Yes! I love Mondays. It's the best day to rain. I'm gonna work so hard with my donk. Today I'm finally gonna do it. I just need to jump 40 cm more. I can do it, because I'm belive in myself with every breath of my heart. I will fly like an eagle and donk like a monkey. Yes!

I'm on a diet now, because season starts soon. I can eat only three sausages and handfull of chips after the raining. Only light cola for me now on. I will be in top shape when the game is on. I have also invented new nickname, because all the stars have one. I'm "Muscles from Travemunde". It does not rhyme, but it's cool. Right?

All you good people out there, enjoy the Monday and love the planet! Rock on!

Saturday nightSunnuntai 09.08.2009 17:26

Now I'm tire, very sleepy, but you should have seen me yesterday.

Last night was soo wild! I was dancing in the table with my homie Wolfgang. There was Falco night in our disco. We were so cool that they didn't need air condition there. I showed my best moves like the Crocodile. That was awesome!

And sorry ladies, I think I have a girlfriend now. There was this chick with I talked. She said that she wants to be only my friend. That's girlfriend, right? I'm so happy.

Enjoy your Sunday, people!

Money and fameKeskiviikko 05.08.2009 13:27

As I walk here on streets of Travemunde, my fans often ask me, how I have changed with all the money and fame. I say to them as I say to you: I'm still the same Hans! I still owe my mother money. I still like my steak raw. I still drink cola with my homies. I still train a lot. I still trim my own mustache. Girls still do not talk to me.

So you see, allthough I can fly, my feet are in the ground (this was a metaphor). Have a nice one, friends!

teamSunnuntai 02.08.2009 15:09

This day I´ve been mostly laying in my bed and wondering miracles of life. You know, birds and trees and ants and especially grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are amazing little fellows. I´m planning to take grasshopper to my nic name...

I´ve got a few question about my basketball team. Well, right now I´m not playing in any specific team. I´ve some different alternatives - maybe I´ll go to NBA or maybe I ask mates from NBA to join Travamunde Troopers, which is a great team here in my neighborhood. Anyway, I´m working hard for the next season.


swimming and soul Lauantai 01.08.2009 13:46

Guess what, I fnally learned to swim! Ha, that is sooo easy now! And I´m very fast too. Swimming is much more fun if you don´t sink to the water all the time. You should try that too sometime, don´t be scared, just trust yourself and you will learn it.

Some of my dear fans ask me how can I sell my sporty soul to commercial. Well, the truth is that my soul is such a huge thing that I can easily give part of it to the best cola drink in the world.

Swim or not, babes!

campingLauantai 01.08.2009 01:51

Sorry guys and girls that I´ve not been here for a while. That is because I was camping with my parents in Rostock. We had a great time there, mostly we were playing cards and eating Dulano sausage next to fire. (I heard that sausage is called "mackara" in Finnish, and some lady said she uses "mackara" as a make up. That is weird...

Stay in touch folks...

You just have to jump in time!Torstai 30.07.2009 17:15

For me basketball is the game of the life. Basket is like a woman, ball is like a man, you know. I wasn´t that good player when I started, but thanks to my muscles and my mother´s support I´m here now. I can still here my dear mother´s tender voice to say me - “Hans, I know you can make it. Just crap the ball from the bastards and fly in the air.” My family was always there where they were so I knew where to go.