


Break yourself free from your mind. Liberate your feet from the mind. Once get you released, from the universe

.Maanantai 26.04.2010 18:40

upee koulupäivä. maha vaa kipeeee.. en jaksa kirjottaa tänne mitää ku ei oo asiaa. Ja joo en tie miksi... mut joo ei haittaa.. nyt..

You're who IÂ’m thinking of
Girl youÂ’re my runner up no matter what, your
Always number one, My prized possesion, one and
Only, adore you girl I want you. The one I can't
Live without, thatÂ’s you, thatÂ’s you.
YouÂ’re my precious little lady, the one that
MakeÂ’s me crazy, Of all the girls IÂ’ve ever
Known , ItÂ’s you, itÂ’s you.
My favorite, my favorite, my favorite, my
Favorite girl, my favorite girl,.

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