1. Mene Media Playeriin tai muuhun sellaiseen ja laita sekoitus päälle
2. Kirjoita 20 ensimmäisen kappaleen 2 ensimmäistä lausetta tähän. Ihan sama, kuinka tyhmältä ne kuulostavat.
3. Anna muiden arvata kappaleet. Artistia ei tarvitse tietää, pelkkä biisin nimi riittää.
4. Kun jokin kappale on arvattu täysin oikein, lihavoi se.
5. Googlettaa ei saa
6. Jos kuulostaa kivalta, kopioikaa!
1. So I got my boots on, Got the right amount of leather.
And I'm doing me up with a black coloured liner
2. Over and over I look in your eyes, you are all I desire.
You have captured me
3. A hand above the water. An angel reaching for the sky
4. She's surreal. She's dangerous and no one else can match those eyes
5. Esta Noche Bailamos. De Noite - da mi vida
6. Hey there now. Where'd you go?
7. You are a hand full of roses. Thorns and a cheap bouquet
8. Paina pääsi rintaani vasten. Päivän meteli kuolla saa
9. You like to think that you'll be the only one who understands me with it. And you tell everyone that I can't live without you even for one day
10. Moonshine on the bayou. Love shrine break the taboo.
11. Don't turn away, don't close the door. I couldn't take it.
12. My heart is sinking, as I'm lifting up. Above the clouds away from you.
13. I guess you were lost when I met you. Still there where tears in your eyes.
14. Pure, marked, dangerous. Oh what a rush
15. I'm addicted to the rush you give me. Come get close, and my hearts confession
16. I can see that you've been crying. You can't hide it with a lie
17. You are, my fire. The one, desire
18. What if I lead the way? What if I make mistakes?
19. Everybodys looking for love. Oh. Oh. Aint that the reason you're at this club. Oh. Oh.
20. tää alkaa kertosäkeel joten otan siit mistä se varsinaisesti alkaa
: You know I don't frequent the LBC. 'Cause I'm a bit too pale to run that scene.