


I Wanna Be Cremated \m/

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Disturbed-HauntedSunnuntai 24.05.2009 21:51

Your broken so am I,
I’m better off alone!
No one to turn to and,
Nothing to call my own
Outspoken, so am I!
Explosive words that,
Your world wouldn’t understand,
Turn away again
You're beaten, so am I!
I’ve got a heart of stone!
No medication can cure what has taken hold
You're hurting, so will I,
When I awake and remember,
Why I've been running from your

World, dishonored by your world
Your world, I’m haunted by your world

My blood is cold as ice,
Or so I have been told,
Show no emotion,
And it can destroy your soul
Another sacrifice, to a tormentor,
Your world wouldn't understand,
Turn away again!
You're angered, so am I!
A thousand fires burn!
A land of darkness from which I cannot return!
You're aching, so will I
When I awake and discover that,
I’ve been damaged by your

World, dishonored by your world
Your world, I’m haunted by your world

Never will I be welcome,
Amongst the heartless monsters,
You surround yourself with
Feeding off the pain and misfortune of others,
A maniacal breed of sub-human parasites,
Thrown into a feeding frenzy,
With the smell of fresh blood
Open your eyes and see the creatures for what they are,
A swirling mass of hatred and envy
And do not be naïve enough to think you are unaffected,
The conversion has already begun.

You're frightened, so am I!
A world of demons wait,
Watching our movements and,
Filling my heart with hate,
You're burning, so will I
When I awake and discover,
How I’ve been ravaged by your,

World, dishonored by your world
Your world, I’m haunted by your world!

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