
Matkan ohjelma =)Perjantai 09.10.2009 19:32

Liceo Copernico Bologna - Euran Lukio Exchange 10-15/10/09
Programme of events

Saturday 10
Pick up at the airport at 22.50.
Sunday 11
With host families and partners

Monday 12
8:00 at school.Presentation and tour of the school.
9:30 The Finish group takes the bus to Piazza del Nettuno.
10:30 Guided tour of the city center in English
12:30 packed lunch
13:30 meeting Italian partners: walk to San Luca Basilica or Margherita Gardens

Tuesday 13
7.30 Meeting at the Railway Station.
7:56 train to Venice
10:30 Guided tour of Venice (San Polo district)
12:30 Piazza San Marco. Packed lunch in Giardini Reali or other arrangement with partners
After lunch, visit to Piazza and Basilica di San Marco.
Free time
17:57 Train to Bologna. Arrival at 20:04

Wednesday 14
8:00 at school
9:30 walk to National Television Studios (RAI) via della Fiera, 13 - Bologna - tel. 051/6374275 dott.ssa Elena Mastandrea. Guided tour and activities (Only the Finns)
12.30 Return to school
15:00 Bus to Ducati motorcycle factory
16:30 Guided tour in English of the Ducati factory and museum. (For the Finnish and for 9 Italians). Chance to shop for souvenirs
19:00 Meeting in Piazza del Nettuno. Then Pizza all together

Thursday 15
8:00 at school.
Free time for shopping etc
12:00 Finnish group at the pasta workshop La Vecchia Scuola Bolognese, via Malvasia, 49 - Bologna - tel. 051/6491576
Pasta making and tasting.
13:00 Italian group arrives for lunch together
14:30 departure to airport

Nyt alkaa olemaan jo jännät paikat, stressimasuni on herännyt ja se kipristelee tuskastaan. Eniten pelkään lentokenttää ja turvatarkastusta. Ihan vasrmasti mä aiheutan jotai suurta häikkää siellä :DDD Mutta näillä eväillä mennään, pitäis pakata ny sit... Tasa vuorokaude kuluttua oon jo Helsingissä, hihhi!

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