


This shit is bananas!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 07.02.2009 21:07

A new way

All the lies that you tell me
I hope you stop
But you always start all over again

Show me who you really are
Let me know you

we can still start over
the best what ever
I wanna try
I have a reason

I love you

I`m ready
come and take me to your soul
I`ll let all be as it is

I know that you care
I think that you want
night after night
you change

you touch
find your hope
wanna find your way out of lie
I wanna help

you look for time
when you can forget
and be happy
here is time for everything
still don`t leave anything for tomorrow

you found what you wanted
I wait for the light
that brings you to me
still the darkness won`t back up

----Bizzu Moon----

ps. Bizzu sitten osaa<3

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