


This shit is bananas!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.04.2009 01:41

The past is gone

You`re breaking, breaking into my mind
You`re destoying, destroying more
how long can you handle this
How do you fix your heart
when it`s petrified
I`m not going to help you, not anymore
Are you happy now
when I don`t love you anymore
call my name
touch me inside
but I´m gone
the moon and the stars above me
are going on
like always
Still nothing in me is the way it was
I want away
Far away
from your tears
I want to run
over the shooting stars
over the rainbows
Away from your heart

Too fast
Too late
I hold myself far far
away from here
I`m not scared
But you distress me
the reason and the blessing
the pain and fragility
that`s what I went through with you
But now I`ll make it on my own
I go ahead to that darkness
which I used to avoid
I understood
I`ve lived there a long time
Too long
With you

The Reason

I said –I`m sorry-
You didn`t hear me
You just looked ahead
and moved on like I had never been there
Don`t you understand how much I love only you
I just can`t take it anymore
I`ve got my limits
and they faced me right now
I don`t know what to say anymore
so that even somebody could understand
That I`m not here anymore
I died, died with someone who never existed
There`s nothing in me anymore
before in this kind of situation I would have fallen already
deep in love
I`ve lost myself for good
My heart beats, but it doesen`t help me to be alive
My mind is dead
And even though you think I don`t understand what you say
I understand better than ever
I know surrendering is weakness
but what ever, I´m weak
My life wasn`t a fairytale
I`m too tired to go on
even though I smile, I`m empty inside
You say I don`t care how everyone else feels
But you don`t understand how much I hurt especially myself
how I broke myself being the one that no one could ever touch
There`s no reason to go on
I lost the only reason because my lies
and things that no one really did

The Valley Of Death

Come with me
I`ll show you
what I always covered
The last breath comes soon
Hurry up, I`ll show you
the Valley of Death
where even I feel like someone
I love you and that`s why I need to take your life
to set it free
in the park cold and pale with other ghosts
who I someday loved
Yes, I`m the one who murdered many innocent people
Yes, I`m the one you swore you`d kill
when I took your sister
Away from there agonizing
with her beauty
Do you finally hate me?
Do you finally see me the way I really am?
do you feel how the fear takes over your thoughts
and your love becomes hate, remorse
Am I the one you want to see last?
Am I?
No, I`ve never been
you just thought so
I`m good liar
and putting you in eternal sleep
yes, I really love you

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.04.2009 21:44

Miyavi Suomeen<3 Ja minähän menen! Miul on kesätöitäkii ni voin kerrakii maksaa lipun ite ^^ Äiti varmaan ilahtuu tosi paljon, mut so what.. xD

The Cure- The LovecatsPerjantai 24.04.2009 22:38

We move like cagey tigers
We couldn't get closer than this
The way we walk
The way we talk
The way we stalk
The way we kiss

We slip through the streets
While everyone sleeps
Getting bigger and sleeker
And wider and brighter
We bite and scratch and scream all night
Let's go and
Throw all the songs we know

Into the sea
You and me
All these years and no one heard
I'll show you in spring
It's a treacherous thing
We missed you hissed the lovecats

(Ba ba-da...da da da da da...)

We're so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully
Wonderfully pretty
Oh you know that I'd do anything for you
We should have each other to tea huh?
We should have each other with cream
Then curl up by the fire
And sleep for awhile
It's the grooviest thing
It's the perfect dream

Hand in hand
Is the only way to land
And always the right way round
Not broken in pieces
Like hated little meeces
How could we miss
Someone as dumb as this

I love you ... let's go
Oh ... solid gone ...
How could we miss someone as dumb
As this?

Love this song<3<3<3

What a wonderful feeling<3<3Perjantai 24.04.2009 20:22

Mie sain miun ihanan rakkaan mussukan, nettitikun takas<3 oi tätä onnea!! my life sucked without you... :(

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.03.2009 16:29

kohta krisselle<3<3 jos mie nyt vaik ihan oikeesti menisin pois tästä koneelta ja pakkaisin kamat, ku taksi tulee kolmelta. joo, niin mie teen.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.03.2009 12:54

Kuka disney pahiksista olisit?

[x] Minulla on arkkivihollinen
[ ] Olen kilpailuviettinen ja voitontahtoinen
[x] Lässytän eläimille
[x] Olen itsekin eläin
[x] Minä en ole rotta!
[x] Nerous ja hulluus kulkevat käsi kädessä.
[x] Minulla on pää täynnä kieroutuneita suunnitelmia
[x] Minulla on leveähköt hartiat

[ ] Voisin tappaa vain siksi ettei minua kutsuttu bileisiin
[ ] Olen kalpea
[x] On ihan okei pitää viittaa
[ ] Omistan lemmikkikorpin, tai ainakin haluaisin
[ ] Olen noita
[ ] Käytän kävelykeppiä
[ ] En anna anteeksi
[ ] Hattu ei ole pitämisen arvoinen ellei siinä ole sarvia

[ ] Olen tekopyhä
[ ] Ja rasisti
[x] Ja himokas
[ ] Minulla on adoptiolapsi
[ ] …jota vihaan
[x] Olen pyromaani
[ ] Olen arvostettu
[ ] …tai sitten minua vain pelätään

Kapteeni Koukku
[x] Minulla on paha trauma
[ ] Olen ison jengin pomo
[x] …vaikka oikeasti olen luuseri
[x] Haluan tappaa ärsyttäviä kakaroita
[ ] Käytän polvihousuja
[ ] Olen epärehellinen
[ ] Soitan pianoa
[ ] Simoooooo!

[x] Oon aina ihan liekeissä
[x] Hiusten on oltava hyvin
[ ] Olen jäänyt isoveljeni/-siskoni varjoon
[x] Lupaukset pidetään
[x] Puhun ylinopeasti
[x] Minulla on kaksi kätyriä
[ ] Turvaudun isompien ja vahvempien apuun
[/] Olen epäsuosittu

[x] Olen mahdollisesti hieman väkivaltainen
[ ] Mutta järkyttävän komea
[ ] Jokainen pelkuri on karvaton!
[ ] Kaikki ovat kateellisia leuastani
[ ] Kiristän ihmisiä
[x] En saa sitä yhtä tiettyä…
[ ] Olen mustasukkainen
[x] Ja haisusukkainen

Cruella De Vil
[ ]Olen aina muodikas
[ ]Eläimet on tehty vaatteiksi
[x]En pärjää ratissa
[ ]Poltan
[ ] Olen pakkomielteinen
[x] Mustavalkoiset vaatteet on kivoja
[x] Huudan ihmisille
[ ] Rahaa on kuin roskaa

[ ] Olen katkera
[ ] Olen hintelä
[x] …mutta olin jonossa kun aivoja jaettiin
[x] Minusta tulee kuningas!
[ ] Voisin häikäilemättömästi tappaa perheenjäseniä
[ ] …koska ajan aina omaa etuani
[x] Leikin ruoan kanssa
[ ] Manipuloin ihmisiä

[x] Karkeloin ja ratkean riemusta
[ ] Olen pitkä, ruma ja ilkeä mies
[ ] Minulla on papukaija
[ ] Saan ihmiset tanssimaan pillini mukaan
[ ] Mikäs on sen kivempaa!
[ ] Partani on ihana
[x] Haluaisin toteuttaa kaikki toiveeni
[ ] Muita on kiva nöyryyttää

[x] Olen vähän tukevampi tapaus
[ ] Olen ulkopuolinen
[x] Autan ihmisiä
[ ] …mutta sopimukseni ovat epäreiluja
[ ] Minulla on lemmikkiankeriaita
[x] Keittelen epämääräisiä
[ ] Janoan kostoa, kuten kaikki pahikset
[x] Buahahahahahahahaha!

Huomenna Krisselle<3<3Lauantai 21.03.2009 01:37

METRO STATION TULEE SUOMEE!!!!<3<3<3Torstai 19.03.2009 22:17

ja mie pystyn ite maksamaa lipun!!<3<3<3 seuraks lähtee DeathDrop ja siitä tulee kivaa!! ^^ pitää vaa ekaks tiedustella äitiltä...xDD