


This shit is bananas!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.04.2009 01:41

The past is gone

You`re breaking, breaking into my mind
You`re destoying, destroying more
how long can you handle this
How do you fix your heart
when it`s petrified
I`m not going to help you, not anymore
Are you happy now
when I don`t love you anymore
call my name
touch me inside
but I´m gone
the moon and the stars above me
are going on
like always
Still nothing in me is the way it was
I want away
Far away
from your tears
I want to run
over the shooting stars
over the rainbows
Away from your heart

Too fast
Too late
I hold myself far far
away from here
I`m not scared
But you distress me
the reason and the blessing
the pain and fragility
that`s what I went through with you
But now I`ll make it on my own
I go ahead to that darkness
which I used to avoid
I understood
I`ve lived there a long time
Too long
With you

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