"The Way of the Warrior has been misunderstood. It is not a means to kill and destroy others. Those who seek to compete and better one another are making a terrible mistake. To smash, injure, or destroy is the worst thing a human being can do. The real Way of a Warrior is to prevent such slaughter - it is the Art of Peace, the power of love" -Morihei Ueshiba
Ja sit siinä on periaatteena victory over self rather than victory over others :) Tosin ei varmaan länsimaissa niinkään korosteta tota henkistä puolta tossa lajissa mut voiha sitä ite korostaa itelleen ^^ Pääsen harjoittaan kehoa ja mieltä! :)
Morihei Ueshiba <3 (lajin perustaja)