



Building a Better Body ImageKeskiviikko 06.06.2007 01:30

So in the face of all the pressure society places on guys ?and guys place on themselves ?what can you do to fuel a positive body image? Here are some ideas:

* Recognize your strengths. Different physical attributes and body types are good for different things ?and sometimes the things you did well as a kid can change during puberty. What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, flexibility, strength, or coordination leads you to excel at a certain sport. Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting. Just exploring talents that you feel good about can help your self-esteem and how you think of yourself.
* A good body doesn't always translate into athletic success. Too often, the way guys see their body image is closely associated with their performance on a sports field or in the gym. The upside to this is that if you're good at a team sport, you might have a pretty good view of your body. But what if you don't like team sports or you got cut from a team you really wanted to make? In these cases, it helps to look at individual accomplishments.

If you don't like team sports, that's OK. Try finding another form of physical activity that really gets you going. Depending on your interests and where you live, that may be mountain biking, rock climbing, dancing, yoga, or even jogging. This will help you stay in shape and help you to appreciate skills may not have realized you had in a team environment.

If you like team sports but didn't make a particular team, don't let it get you down. Use this as an opportunity to discover what you're good at, not to lament what you aren't best at. Maybe try out for another team ?so soccer wasn't for you, but maybe cross-country running will be.

If none of these appeal to you, continue to practice the sport you were cut from and try again next year. The people around you probably won't remember that you didn't make the team ?nbsp;not being picked was a much bigger deal to you than it was to them.
* Look into starting a strength training program. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques don't just happen ?nbsp;they take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet. There's no need to work out obsessively. A healthy routine can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to 1 hour three days a week. Another benefit to working out properly is that it can boost your mood ?lifting weights can lift your spirits.
* Don't trash your body, respect it! To help improve your view of your body, take care of it. Smoking and other things you know to be harmful will take a toll after a while. Treating yourself well over time results in a healthier, stronger body ?and that contributes to a better body image. Practicing good grooming habits ?regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, etc. ?also can help you build a positive body image.
* Be yourself. Your body is just one part of who you are ?along with your talent for comedy, a quick wit, or all the other things that make you unique. Your talents, skills, and beliefs are just as much a part of you as the casing they come in. So try not to let minor imperfections take over.

It Could Be in Your GenesKeskiviikko 06.06.2007 01:28

It can be tough to balance what you expect to happen to your body with what actually does happen. Lots of guys can have high expectations for puberty, thinking they'll develop quickly or in a certain way.

The best way to approach your own growth and development is to not assume you'll be a certain way. Look at everyone in your family ?uncles, grandfathers, and even female relatives ?to get an idea of the kinds of options your genes may have in store for you.

The Truth About Guys Keskiviikko 06.06.2007 01:23

Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But the reality is that a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror. It's a fact ?some guys care just as much as girls do about their appearance.

You may hear a lot about being a tough guy, but how often do you hear that being a guy is tough? Guys might think that they shouldn't worry about how they look, but body image can be a real problem for them. Unlike girls, guys are less likely to talk to friends and relatives about their bodies and how they're developing. Without support from friends and family, they may develop a negative self-image. The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.

Why Is Body Image Important?Keskiviikko 23.05.2007 14:55

Body image is a person's opinions, thoughts, and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance. Having a positive body image means feeling pretty satisfied with the way you look, appreciating your body for its capabilities and accepting its imperfections. Body image is part of someone's total self-image. So how a guy feels about his body can affect how he feels about himself. If he gets too focused on not liking the way he looks, a guy's self-esteem can take a hit and his confidence can slide. (The same thing can happen to girls, too.)

How Puberty Affects Body ImageMaanantai 07.05.2007 19:08

Although body image is just one part of our self-image, during the teen years, and especially during puberty, it can be easy for a guy's whole self-image to be based on how his body looks. That's because our bodies are changing so much during this time that they can become the main focus of our attention.

A change in your body can be tough to deal with emotionally ?mainly because, well, your body is yours and you have become used to it.

Some guys don't feel comfortable in their changing bodies and can feel as if they don't know who they are anymore. Being the only guy whose voice is changing or who's growing body hair (or the only guy who isn't) can also make some guys feel self-conscious for a while.

Some guys go into puberty not feeling too satisfied with their body or appearance to begin with. They may have wrestled with body image even before puberty started (for example, battles with weight or dissatisfaction with height). For them, puberty may add to their insecurities.

Friends or Best Friends???Tiistai 17.04.2007 22:35

Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
Best friend: calls your parents dad a nd mom.

Friend: has never seen you cry
Best friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: asks you to write down your number.
Best friend : they ask you for their number (cuz they can't rememeber it)

Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff

Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you

Friend: would delete this letter
Best friend: will send this back to me and all of their online buddies

Friends Forever!

Written with a pen

Sealed with a kiss

If you are my friend,

Please answer this:

Are we friends or are we not?

You told me once, but I forgot..

So tell me now and tell me true,

So I can say, I am here for you.

Of all the friends I've ever met,

You're the ones I won't forget..

Or just the ones that i have your email

And if I die before you do,

I'll go to Heaven

And wait for you.

Show your friends how much you care.

When Everyone Else Seems BiggerKeskiviikko 21.03.2007 16:23

Not everyone's body changes at the same time or even at the same pace. It can be tough if all of your friends have already matured physically and are taller and more muscular. Most guys eventually catch up in terms of growth, although some will always be taller or more muscular than others ?it's in their genes.

It's natural to observe friends and classmates and notice the different ways they're growing and developing. Guys often compare themselves with other guys in certain settings, and one of the most common is the locker room. Whether at a local gym or getting ready for a game at school, time in the locker room can be daunting for any guy.

Try to keep in mind in these situations that you aren't alone if you feel you don't 'measure up.' Many guys feel exactly the same way about their own bodies ?even those whose physiques you envy. Just knowing that almost everyone else will go through the same thing can make all the difference.

You could try talking to a trusted male adult ?maybe a coach, a doctor, a teacher, or your dad. Chances are they went through similar experiences and had some of the same feelings and apprehensions when their bodies were changing.

i lost ...Perjantai 09.03.2007 13:01

always think that a lot of people be with me ... even maybe we are like 10000 miles away from each other , but they will still stand by my side and always know my mind !
always think that if i try my best to do everything ...even maybe sometimes it doesn't work , but someday god will give the achieve back to me because i try hard !
always think that i should do hard to make other people smile ... even sometimes the person i don't know so well , in my mind everyone should have smile in face not sad !
always want to help other people ... even sometimes i can't help any! but who know ......
i try hard to make her happy ... i try hard to make her like me ... i try hard to make her smile .... but now everything go to another stupid route... can't control... what can i do ? say sorry ? not say sorry ? forget it still continue smile ? give up her continue be myself ? i don't know ...
why it is always this kind of stupid thing around me ? i hate this ...
i will survive ... i will be ok .... i will talk to myself be brave ..... ~.~ !!!

difficult maths problem ... T.T !!Tiistai 27.02.2007 16:05

LOVE + LOVE = ???
answer : big size love

LOVE - LOVE = ???
answer: the begining of love

LOVE * LOVE = ???
answer : many special love

LOVE / LOVE = ???
answer : the only honest love


...@.@ !! Hihi Haha Hoho Tiistai 27.02.2007 15:32

二个人生活在一起( two human be together),应该是愉快( should be happy),相互理解与信任( understand each other and believe each other)。有一些共同的话题和爱好( have some same topic and hobby),所以希望你是懂得生活的人( so i hope you are a person who know how to have a good life),懂得珍惜感情的人( who know how to love) 。当然我们更应该...( Of course we should also ...)有关本人现在是独身的消息不甚走漏 (about i am still single this information carelessly be known) ,为避免造成哄抢的后果(so get rid of the fighting result)!
所以现特聘老婆一个条件如下( now i especially find myself a couple, should obey the following): 进得了厅堂进不了厨房的不要(Know how to meet new people don't know how to cook , NO WAY ); 进得了厨房进不了厅堂的更不要( know how to cook don't know how to meet new people , NO WAY) 。 小气鬼的不要( care too much money , NO WAY); 穷大方的败家子更不要( only know how to use other people's money , NO WAY ) 。 不洗脚的不要( never wash feet , NO WAY );洗脚不洗脸的更不要 ( wash feet but don't wash face , NO WAY) 。 抽大烟的不要( use drug , NO WAY) ;不懂浪漫的不要( don't know what is romantic , NO WAY) ; 光浪漫不过日子的更不要( only know romantic and don't know how to have normal life , NO WAY ); 不温柔的不要( not smooth , NO WAY ); 不懂爱情的不要( don't know how to love , NO WAY );不会做爱的不要( don't know how to make love , NO WAY) ; 不养娘的不要( don't know how to take care of parents , NO WAY ) ; 养不起孩子的更不要( don't know how to take care of kids , NO WAY )。 留长指甲的不要( who have long nail , NO WAY )。 戴耳环的不要( have too much ear ring , NO WAY ); 染头发的不要( have ring on dick , NO WAY )。赌博的不要( always gamble , NO WAY ); 爱吃零食的更不要( eat chips as meal , NO WAY ) 。 三百棒子打不出个屁的不要( too scilent never talk , NO WAY) ; 老老婆婆静瞎呱话的更要不得( always talk and never stop , NO WAY )。 打人的不要 ( fight with me or bolly me , NO WAY ); 不听老公话的不要( always not listen to me , NO WAY )。不会洗衣服的不要( don't know how to wash clothes , NO WAY );不穿衣服的不要( don't wear clothes , NO WAY) ; 穿衣服邋遢的更不要( wear cloth very stupid , NO WAY) 。 不洗澡的不要( never have shower , NO WAY ) ; 有洁癖的更不要( too clean more clean then me , NO WAY ) 。睡觉打呼噜的不要( snoring when sleeping , NO WAY ); 睡觉不老实占地方的更不要( when sleep always move or kick me off the bed , NO WAY )。 说梦话的不要( talk when have dream , NO WAY ) ; 梦游的更不要( move when sleep , NO WAY )。 撒谎不要( lier , NO WAY) ; 结巴子不要 ( talk very slow , NO WAY ) ; 没鼻梁的不要( nose not too high , NO WAY ) ; 贼眉鼠眼的不要( eyes too small , NO WAY ) 。爱哭的不要( always cry , NO WAY ); 太听她妈的话的不要( listen his mother too much , NO WAY ) ; 脾气太拗的不要( temple too strong , NO WAY )。 工资不上缴的不要(salary don't give me , NO WAY ) ; 攒私房钱的更不要( always hide the money , NO WAY ) 。 不会往自己腰包划钱的不要( don't know how to earn the money , NO WAY );麸皮馒头更不要( too fat , NO WAY )。 走路扭屁股的不要( shaking the ass when u walk , NO WAY )。 不养老的不要( don't have money when turn old , NO WAY ); 光吃老公的更不要(only use my money and don't have money his self , NO WAY )。 爱显美的不要( too good-looking , NO WAY ); 难看的也不要( too ugly , NO WAY ) 。有心给自己戴绿帽子的不要( will fall in love with other girl , NO WAY ) ;不会花钱的不要( don't know how to spend the money , NO WAY ) ; 太浪费的也不要( waste money too much , NO WAY )。 没有钱的不要( really don't have any money , NO WAY ) ; 太有钱的更不要( too rich , NO WAY ) 。 没爹妈的不要( don't have parents, NO WAY ) ; 有爹妈太矫情的也不要( have parents but too picky , NO WAY ) 。 是傻子的不要( idiort , NO WAY );太容易得到的不要( to easy to have sex , NO WAY ) ; 十年追不到的更不要( ten years don't have any sex , NO WAY 。 犯贱的不要( always do something stupid , NO WAY ) ;不会粘人的也不要( always following me , NO WAY )。
非诚勿试( don't try if u are not honest ) ,人妖暂不在考虑之列!!!!( gay is not in the possible list !!!!! )