


Rentoo meininkii

NEKOMIMI!!Maanantai 18.02.2013 01:34

nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi nekomimi


Tämä runo on omistettu sille jota kaipaan vaikka hän kuinka minua vihaa :(

Jos uskot tosi rakkauteen niin et sitten mihinkään mee. Oli rakkaus suuri tai pieni oli sen matkalla varpu tai sieni. oli miten oli kunhan rakkaani kanssa olin. Ei ole häivääkään onhan mulla muistot päivänään. Olin mie Oulus tai Turus ei mukavaa olla surus. Mie rakastan sua ain olit mukana vain. en päästää sua saata nuo muistot ei raasta. Olit sie kaunis tai ruma et ole paha. Miten sut irti saatoin päästää nyt sieluni säätää. Ei ole elämää mulla ellen luonas saa olla. Olit mulle kauan elämäni nainen vaik kuinka olin sulle ruma ja painajainen. Sieluni veit ja sydämmeni oli se kauheinta elämässäni. Miten uskoinkaan rakkauteen se tuli kuin piikkikaktukseen. Nyt jään kaipaamaan sua vaik kuinka lohdutan mua. Miten elämä meni niin et eroon me päädyttiin. kumpa saisin sut takas kun olet mulle ainoa RAKAS!!!

Runo By Ileekka
for my old Love of my Life!!

Kingdom of AlderucthasSunnuntai 27.03.2011 23:37

Chapter 1: Udum's way to Isnariol.

Udum was born 1845 in the era of myrithos. He was pretty weak to be a guard's son but it didn't stop him from his dream of becoming the greatest guard of the Silimaron.
Soon Udum became teenager and the problems started he was hunting with his friend Exkildon, but when they were chasing a deer a Finnertroll crushed the deer and looked at the two teenager's and attacked.
Exkildon retreated but Udum was afraid to run for his life because it was hopeless to run a Finnertroll.
Udum was sure of his death but then something happened that Udum could not believe.
Ureth jumped from the forest and hit the Finnertroll in its stomach. It was so powerful hit that the Finnertroll was knocked out of its conscious.
Ureth yelled to Udum to run and Udum did as commanded. He ran for a while to the forest until he was so tired he stopped and he looked the way he had ran from but did not see his brother.
Udum started to worry about Ureth, but then Ureth jumped from a tree with the head of the attacked Finnertroll.
Ureth and Udum talked for a little time and then they returned to home and they promised to each other not to tell anything what happened there that day.
Udum was an adult in no time but something terrible happened about 2 years before Udums 18 year birthday Ureth was disappeared and nobody knew where he was.
When Udum was 18 he decided to become guard in Isnariol and bring money to he's family and little sister Juliana.
Udum had left his home village and was going to the big town Isnariol.
He was not very far away from his home when he heard the screams of his home village folk.
He ran as fast as he could but it was too late when he got back the whole town was destroyed.
Udum tried to find his family but for nothing there were no survivors.
He thought that his little sister was gone with the rest of them, and then he make a promise that he'll never again leave his loved ones.
Udum did make a memorial for the whole village and leaved the ruins of his home with only memories of his home.
Udum walked and walked forward and forward until he reached his destination the town of Isnariol.
He was for the first time in big town like that and he was getting dizzy in the crowed place.
He finally found the guard's house.
He walked inside the guard's house and asked the guards where he can find the leader.
-What do you want young man?
A mysterious man asked Udum.
-IÂ’m here to become guard now that I don't have home anymore.
Udum answered and asked the mysterious man where he can find the guards captain.
The mysterious man laughed loudly and answered.
-Well IÂ’m the captain of the guards and if you want to become a guard in this place you need to go through a few quests that are needed to become a guard.
-IÂ’m ready for the tests!

Tämä on Arthorius!

jos uskotte minuun niin voimistun.Maanantai 03.01.2011 03:41

jos uskotte minuun niin olen varma että jaksan mennä tämän kuntoilun loppuun ja päästä ihanne painooni 90kg:aan ennen syyskuun ensimmäistäpäivää.

Chapter 2 The Dragon's Attack.
Udum started his 3 test's the first was to take down some thief's in the town.
he was not wearing any guard armor but he had guard's spear and sword.
everthing looked peacefull until he saw an robbery in the backstreet.
He got there just in time and arrested the thief's who were trying to run away but udum was faster than them and blocked theyre escape route.
The second was to find the leader of the thief's.
He searched and searched but did not find anything he was going back to guard's house but then he saw something there were many thief's in the backstreet and one was a top of crate.
"he must be the leader" udum thought.
He thinked and thinked then he got an idea.
he sneaked nearby and then yell'd.
-We have been betrayed. the leader have sent town guard's at us. run while you can!
the thief's panic and the leader tryed to calm them but that was hopless.
when the thief's where out of the place udum came from his hide and taked his spear and ordered the leader to follow him peacfully.
The Thief leader yell'd and taked his sword and attacked Udum.
Udum did't know anything about fighting but he still fougth the leader.
he got several hit's and got the thoght that he'll going to die.
Then he head a voice from his head.
-Are you going down so easily little brother.
Then the light surounded Udum and the thief leader stoped his attack's
-What is this devilry?
When the light dissapeared udum felt a little disy and when he looked the thief leader he saw that he was affraid.
Udum commanded the thief leader to follow him and amazingly he did as orderet.
When udum came back tho guard's house with the thief leader everyone was looking at him.
-Why is every one looking at me?
-Are you Udum?
Guard's captain asked Udum
-Yes. don't you know me anymore?
Everyone was pointing at the mirror...
Udum looked at the mirror and for his suprise he was transformet to Half Elf.
every one was very suprised until the town alarm startet.
Guard's runned outside and saw that it was true that the dragon attacks.
Every guard started to get the town's folk safety, but then udum heard againg a sound in his head.
-A mear Dragon Hmph! show it what i have teached you little borther.
And Udum's spear started to glow...
-What's happening!
Udum yell'd.
-Use that spear little brother.
Udum is getting comfused about the dragon's attack, voice in his head and that his spear is glowing.
Udum getted back to earth and pointet the spear at the Dragon.
Then the glow in the spear got stronger until it sendet a beam of light to the dragon, slahsing right trought it.
after that udum loses his conscious...
When Udum woke's an odd face is in front of him ...
-Thank to the god your awake.
-Who are you ?
-Im daugther of the landlord Silian and you're Udum the Dragon slayer.
-Im what? and how do you know my name?
-Everybody knows your name you're a legend around here.
Udum was thinking of asking something but then Silian yell's.
-Come outside everybody is waiting for you!
When udum got up and outside he was very suprised every guard was honoring him.
-Hail Udum the Dragon slayer!
They yell'd.

KyselyKeskiviikko 09.06.2010 21:24

Jos World of Warcraft rodut olisivat oikeita

kerro salaisuutesi mitä mieltä olet :D

jos saisit mahdollisuuden harrastaisitko WoW rotujen kanssa

seksiä (x)
seurustelua (x)
suutelua (x)
yhdessä oloa (x)
WoWin pelaamista ()
ryyppäämistä ()
jotain muuta (x)

ja jos niin minkä rodun/rotujen ?

Troll (x)
Blood Elf (x)
Orc ()
Tauren ()
Undead ()
Human ()
Dwarf ()
Gnome ()
Night Elf (x)
Draenei (x)

kiva tietää sit seuraavaksi --->

jos voit valita niin minkälaisen seurustelu kumppanin haluaisit
(rotu ja muuta tietoa)

> No olishan se Trolli nainen hieno ja upea :D

mikä on parhaimman näkönen rotu WoW:ssa ?
(valitse yksi tai useampi)

Troll (x)
Blood Elf (x)
Orc ()
Tauren ()
Undead ()
Human (x)
Dwarf ()
Gnome ()
Night Elf (x)
Draenei (x)

tässä oli se kysely nytten voit olla ylpeä kun kerroit sen mitä ajattelit

Höh :(Keskiviikko 06.01.2010 16:42

Miks kukaan ei vastaa mun kommenteihin mukavasti D:
ja sitten kun sanon jotain kivaa niin joku ihan random heppu
tulee haukkuu mut pystyyn täällä :(
eikö täällä vois olla yhtään mukavaa heppua muutkun mun kaverit
ja bla bla blaaaa
no nyt tuli avauduttua niin että on parempi olo :D

Minun MielipideKeskiviikko 04.03.2009 01:56

Minä toivoisin että minulla olisi enemmän kavereita jotka eivät kato ulkonäköön vaan siihen minkälainen ihminen on.
Mua vituttaa sellaset jotka eivät välitä ihmisen tunteista ja siitä onko hyvä tyyppi.
Ne vaan ajattelevat minkälainen ihminen on ulkopuolelta eikä siitä minkalainen se on sisältä.
Onneksi minulla on mota kaveria jotka ajattelevat että olen hyvä tyyppi eivätkä ajattele ulkonäköäni vaan viihtyvät seurassani ja pitävät minusta sellaisena kuin olen.
Toivon koko elämäni puolesta että Ihmiset jotka ajattelevat ulkonäköä niin voisivat tulla samallaisiksi kuin minä rennoiksi tyypeiksi jotka ajattelevat kaverin parasta.
Ileekka kuittaa ja poistuu kiitos kaikille kavereille jotka tukevat minua ja joita minä voin tukea he ovat minun sydäntä lähellä kiitos.