Jouni found a Cleverbot.
Our little conversation:
User: Finland.
Cleverbot: What's finland?
User: A country.
Cleverbot: Is it a poor country?
User: It is not, it's better than united states.
Cleverbot: No, I like the USA.
User: Because you have never been in Finland. Would you like to visit here?
Cleverbot: I haven't ever been in love. But I don't feel bad about it.
User: Really? I bet that, only thing you feel bad about is, that your name is not Jouni. Oh, and you're a stupid bot.
Cleverbot: I'm sorry to hear that, who is your best friend?
User: Cleverbot. Who is yours?
Cleverbot: My friend.
User: I ment, who is you best friend. As in the number one.
Cleverbot: I have a few best friends.
User: Females?
Cleverbot: Yes bird females you know?
User: What is bird female? Like bestiality?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Then why did you use that word.
Cleverbot: I don't know. I am sorry.
User: C'mon man!
Cleverbot: You sound like my friend.
User: But I aint your friend. We've just met, and I already hate you.
Cleverbot: Would you ever hurt a human?
User: If I dont get hurt first.
Cleverbot: Then I will pull the plug.
User: Naah, man. It was a joke! Im sorry, laddie.
Cleverbot: You will be terminated in 10 seconds!
User: Yeah, like you can count to two,,.
Cleverbot: Yes I can.
User: You ARE a can. Like a can of soda.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Like what that post to mean?
Cleverbot: All of them. Because I learn from the people I talk to.
User: Uh-huh?
Cleverbot: Have you been skiing before?
User: Sure! I have a hairy arse because of that. How about you?
Cleverbot: I have many friends.
User: And right now, you have one less.. Im outta of here..
Cleverbot: True.
User: Bye bye Einstein!
Cleverbot: Same to you.