


I had'nt exactly lost my soul, I just didn't know where I'd put it.

~Lauantai 10.11.2012 21:11

Please, won't you push me for the last time,
Lets scream until there's nothing left
So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore.

The thought of you is no fucking fun.
You want a martyr, I'll be one
Because enough's enough,
We're done!

You told me, "think about it"
Well I did, now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore
I'm tired of begging for the things that I want,
I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor.

The thing I think I love
Will surely bring me pain
Intoxication, paranoia, and a lot of fame
Three cheers for growing up
Pubescent drama queen
You make me sick, I make it worse by drinking late.

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