


Time after time, i tell myself that i'm, so lucky to be loving you.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.03.2010 17:32

I wanna be loved by you,
just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you
alone poo poo pi doo
I wanna be kissed by you
just you, nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you
I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Then to fill a desire
to make you my own
I wanna be loved by you,
just you and nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you
I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Then to fill a desire
to make you my own
tada tada ta tada
I wanna be loved by you
just you, nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you
I wanna be loved by you
I wanna be loved by you

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