
Lost Without Your LoveTiistai 17.07.2007 02:16

I was lost without your love,
missed you more each passing day,
and all the things you had become
to me in every way.

I was lost without your love,
how I missed your tender kiss,
just being together,
walking in the salty mist.

I was lost without your love,
couldn't look into your eyes,
or feel your touch, your magic,
since that day you said goodbye.

I was lost without your love,
could hardly sleep at night,
for all I did was dream of you,
until the morning light.

I was lost without your love,
and hoped we'd find a way,
to undo misunderstandings,
that was yesterday.

I was lost without your love,
but have no more tears to cry,
for today I finally realize,
your love was just a lie......

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