
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 22.06.2010 04:31

2010 is really a bad year, i don't care even if its the year of white tiger
DBSK/THSK activities officially suspended
I'm being rip off of all of my hardworking self-earned money
Bad mouthing me and yelling at me with no reason
Don't i have any rights as a human being?!?

This really is a bad year, this year i have felt so much anger, sadness and cried so much that sometimes i feel so hopeless. Where are my human rights? I feel like i'm always being kicked and tossed around. I'm being obedient and do what i'm told to and still you go around and tell others that i'm stupid i can't do anything and dont do what i'm told to. And you threaten to kick me out if i don' tell you what i'm gonna buy or how i'm using my money. Can't i even buy a pair of jeans in peace? Threatening to kick me out when i bought one thats not right.

Threatening and using violence isn't an option, we can solve the situation by talking like human beings because we are humams but why do you still go and use such outrageous way to solve the situation?

Right now i have a horrible headache from crying too much, and she is acting like nothing happened

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