
<3Keskiviikko 25.02.2009 18:03

You better go down when you get with me
You better realize that I'm what you need
You better get here before I count to 3

I just wanna let you know
That I never felt this way about anybody else
I...I...I think I love you

Hold up!
Do you see me laughin'? (hahaha)
You think that it's a joke
I'ma start harassin'.
All your little hos that be tryin' to pass on
You better tell them I'ma kick they asses.
Who you talkin' to?
You better hang up or I'm through witchu.
And who the fuck's this bitch on your page
with big ass tits up on your top eight?
'Cause I'm the crazy bitch that's runnin' the game
'Cause I'm the crazy bitch that's calling your name
'Cause I'm the crazy bitch i ain't got no shame

I love You .

- Rakastan sinua Joni <rakas>

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