149 hip hei. olis jo 49. nyt enää enkun valinnaisen itsenäisen kirjallisuuden kurssin puhtaaksikirjoitus ja palautus maanantaina.. rakkaita runo analyyseja tän tyyppisistä runoista:
R. Mc Gough - Fame
The best thing
about being famous
is when you walk
down the street
and people turn around
to look at you
and bump into things.
(teeppä tosta analyysi)
Sama kirjailija - Depressed?
When you're
deep rest
is best.
(hei ihanaa)
By Allan Ahlberg - Back to School
In the last week of the holidays
I was feeling glum.
I could hardly wait for school to start;
Neither could mum.
Now we've been back a week,
I could do it with a breather.
I can hardly wait for the holidays;
Teacher can't either.
että sillee. onneks enää yks (viidestä!!) tekemättä...