
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 19:35

we have here a massive drug culture. what can i say. just sniff and relax. roll your note or sniff off your coin.. so sick ja näyttääkin ihan vitun kamalalta.

en olisi ikinä uskonu sanovani tätä mutta jointing is not that bad after all. we were shocked at the first houseparty (with sebastiens friends on week one) when they smoked but after that you seem to see (and smell) joints everywhere. as you see cocaine.

saw sebastien yesterday again. it is starting to make me laugh, the way that we see each other. fking co.op last time and now at the skyrack... tell me why. and how did che come there the second time... no idea but anyway, he is a darling :)

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