


is evading all systems of control

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.01.2009 15:38

Oshon kirjasta “Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic”. Radikaalien muutosten aiheuttaja.

1. I am not going to tolerate anything that is wrong to my conscience.
2. God is not a thing but a process.
3. Everything belongs to me.
4. Whatsoever the consequences, I am not going to be deviated from myself.
5. Don’t give me advice, - I want to learn on my own, - life has to be learned through trial & error.
6. If I accept death, there is no fear. Only life creates worry.
7. I am not here, I am a nobody, nothingness.
8. Never to allow an unintelligent thing to be imposed upon me, to fight against all kinds of stupidities, whatsoever the consequences. Be rational, logical to the very end.
9. Be more and more alert, so I don’t end up being just intellectual.
10. When I do something, I do it to the very end.
11. What is gone is gone, - I never look back.
12. I am not a man who can be stopped.
13. I am satisfied with something very simple - the very best of things.

Modeling forms the heart of NLP. It is a process of extracting the recipe, the blueprint behind repeatable success. Such recipe typically consists of patterns of beliefs, psychosomatic states and specific behaviors. When modeling from a book, only beliefs are visible (the other two require being with the person), so that is what I have listed above.

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