


is evading all systems of control
The greatest danger of rationality and logic is not in the
method but in substituting the method for life. To apply
rational and logical processes to solve a problem is one
thing—but to try to live within a rational model is not liv-
ing. Life, with all its hell and joys, must be an adventure in
order to remain human.

Life inherently is a-rational. It is whole and chaotic. It can
only be "taken apart" for a peek. What we see is only a
dislodged part—how we live is whole. The attempt to make
life safe for breeding and for the meager indulgences of
housewives has created this new race of Zombies.

Division is simply a convenience for fulfilling the desire
to control—to have more for less. But it is this "less" that is
the lie, the ultimate illusion. This "less" is a lie greater than
any lie ever told. There is no way to have "more" for
"less." Even God gave up his solitude for "more." The
earth and the sky and the heaven are one. To divide them
for convenience is one thing—to act as if this division were
truth is another.

The facts are that with all this "more" we have "less." We
have become so rational, so logical, so full of self-satisfac-
tion that we are empty.

Yet, in this search for more individuality—more form—
we find even less and less of life. People are as empty in
their individuality as they are in their collectivity.

People feel an absence to the point that they must drown
themselves in a world of addictions. An interesting quality
about addiction, however, is that it offers the person a
chance to have the experience of re-birth. It allows him to
change—with justification. Recovery from an addiction
allows a person to change and "gives" him permission to do
things which would ordinarily disrupt his relations to those
around him. (Keep in mind that most people do not want
anyone to change.) He has hit bottom. He must learn to say
no. Much like a transpersonal crisis, recovery makes a per-
son special and unique. He has overcome. He has done
something special.

Addictions are created in order to be cured. People need
to feel and not to feel—desperately they want more in order
to pay for their debts of the past. The addiction I am refer-
ring to is called—form.

The process of substituting form for essence can only
continue for so long—ten years, twenty or one-hundred
years. Sooner, rather than later, the machine collapses and,
with the collapse, comes the potential for recovery.

We see the emptiness of dogma, the emptiness of ritual,
the true Pharisee—the middle class—lost in form and cir-
cumstances, clutching desperately to symbols. We begin to
realize that form cannot replace substance. We begin to
realize that grand ideals, assertions and "acting-out" are not
enough. We begin to realize that the Zombie is not just
within but also without.

Still , we do not yet fully appreciate the depths of this
depression—this emptiness—waiting not so silently behind
us and in front of us. Yes, there is a new force on the hori-
zon—a new cry for life. There is a strong desire to put an
end to this non-living—this powerlessness—this non-pur-
pose. The Zombie is waiting for a great thunder-storm—to
be reborn.

However, neither crying nor waiting will help—
It is the time to be bold—to dance on the edge of the
abyss—to fly again—where?

All in One, One in All, or Double or Nothing? A means to an ends or a end to a means? The Devil wears mirror shades. Look into its eyes see a reflection of yourself, but read between the lines....I've got this thing going on 24/7 when I look at something I close my eyes and I see a Negative of it. If somethings spinning one way, I close eyes and its spinning the other way. I see the Abyss like a fractal mirror. Each reflection a slightly different variable. Such iz the Nature of (in)Evolution. "Life sucks order from the Sea of disorder".
Some say Daath is not The Abyss, do the clothes make a man? It's the shadow or empty side of Tipereth (the black sun). The Abyss- well, it's the Void of eastern mysticism. It's that which pre-existed the Big Bang. THATness. Some people think that death is related to the ego-less state of being is a mystery to me since the egoless state is simply a state of detachment. Look into the Abyss. What do you see? It's a mirror. No big deal for some. Death for others. Picture a beautifully colorful sunrise or sunset - therein is the Abyss -what came out of it. Flowers bloom. Some people walk through life and never once realize the beauty around them. Be where you are.Become. NOW.

Affirmation: Here I am. I am I not Eye the Outer Child. I have Nothing to say, but I'll say it anyway..."Maddens is a state of mind so is death-Like death madness is ever becoming, ever- changing, elusive ecstatic..."~Wisdom of S'LBA.

A few winters ago I was contemplating about Daath/Abyss. I was thinking about my self initiation when I was 15. When I gave myself my first tattoo on my left arm, the word DEATH....and then my whole state of mind/life changed.... At that moment I'm walking along I look down and there's a copy of the NECRNOMICON siting on a bench. Immediately I am struck by this. I put it in my pocket...


Some say Confusion is the effect of the Abyss, I say Fusion not confusion. Knowledge is nothing but an illusion if we confuse the map with territory. The great path which we must cross. For those who search to tranzcend, must dissolve the Ego and be silent. The abyss is the most critical way to spiritual path, coz in this way are disguising diverse conscious and unconscious forms through apparent realities or aspect of individual's will which tends to turns aside us from the search we have started. Some people spend their whole life being torn into pieces by not excepting the irrational elements of their nature and an initiated must know very well the roots of his nature as so,I think that any initiative process of any magical system has a point of culmination, I think this process must be complemented and continued in other existential planes or cosmic sphere which surpass any rational critic; The voices of reason through reality in confrontation with the mental visions that confront us. We/I many years ago Danced around moments of time to create Multidimensional images of what we thought to be our "true will"& is through this (con)fusion/FUSION which are invoked unconscious Qilithic forms az an extends-ion of our psychic energy and our initiation process continues by merging with the "other". These Qilithic forms in Daath are known as Choronzon/Nyarlathotep.

The principal word to describe this initiation is DAATH and this only will come when the supreme wimsical will of Chaos gives us it's consent to act accord with it. Through Death(not physical). We rebirth having as result the awaken in sub-conscious of a powerful and unified force called "Universal mind". Mind that controls all lauguage, bodys, souls changes from moment to moment and our only possibility to attain any kind of true continuity. "One thing leading to the next" is to do huge and interrupted efforts of collective will with-out uniformity. In this process of self initiation there are moments of trifling frustration, Fear, conflicts and boredom which are the reflections to be caught in an external world and as much we're caught in the external universe. The more forsaken we feel as much inside ourselves as we descend. The feeling of security is lost, and when such security is attained you will experience the experience of liberty and Chaos. There may be no purpose but we must create purpose for ourselves in the path of life and so attaining the total knowledge of our nature and to awake the powers of Chaos which are in ourselves through the true will, coz the free acts of will determines the definitive equilibrium anyway. So, we must fight like brave warriors of Cthulhu to cross ourselves, our own abyss of knowledge to explore inside ourselves to transcend the whole spiritual paths which are hidden in the unconscious veils...Turn inside out...YOU'LL NEVER FIND YOURSELF WHEN YOUR TRAPPED WITHIN YOUR SELF.
Though the oceans of Daath...See the sunlight shining on the waves?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.06.2009 15:18

järjestys & epäjärjestysKeskiviikko 27.05.2009 20:01


full control placeboKeskiviikko 27.05.2009 19:52

..........NEVER MIND...(CON)FUSION.....PLACEBO..................

Ylläoleva on yksinkertaistettu kaavio minkä avulla uskoa voi käyttää hyödyksi pelkän kaiken kieltämisen sijasta.

Kyseinen menetelmä perustuu kaaosmagiasta tuttuun "nothing is true, everything is permitted" -ajatustavalle.

Tosiusko aiheuttaa vähintään jonkinasteisen placebo-efektin vaikkei uskolla olisi mitään tekemistä ympäröivän todellisuuden kanssa. Placebo vaikuttaa pakotusvoimaan, joka muokkaa maailmankäsitystä uskon mukaisesti. Voi siis ajatella, että uskomalla tosissaan hyödyllisiin asioihin, voidaan aiheuttaa hyödyllisiä asioita. Vaarana on, että tosiusko on vaikea korvata vaihtoehtoisella uskolla, jos tilanne vaatii sitä ja se johtaa pahimmillaan fanaattisuuteen.

Epäuskon ja Tosiuskon yhdistelmällä saadaan fuusio (confusion, koska totuus muuttuu epävarmaksi mutta kuitenkin toimii niin kuin usko olemassa olevista ristiriidoista huolimatta). Epäuskon ja tosiuskon fuusiota voi käyttää monipuolisemmin kuin pelkkää tosiuskoa. Uskosta pitäisi pyrkiä tekemään niin vahva kuin mahdollista kuitenkin niin että vastapaino, joka on epäusko, voi tarvittaessa korvata uskon hyödyllisemmällä uskolla.

Epäusko yksinään voi aiheuttaa fuusion muiden ympäröivien mahdollisuuksien kanssa (mm. todennäköisyyksien laskennalla) mutta siitä puuttuu placeboefekti. Se voi johtaa välinpitämättömään ajattelutapaan ja hävittää osan voimavaroista. Toisaalta sen avulla voi hävittää kaikki todellisuusrakenteet päästä ja kehittyä niin että yksikertaisille usko-manipulaatioille ei ole enää tarvetta.
Järki on muodostunut monelle melkein automaattiseksi päätöksenteon mekanismiksi mutta huolellinen järjenkäyttö on harvinaista ja sokea järkeen luottaminen saattaa johtaa tarpeettomiin ongelmiin ja sotkuihin. Järki ei ole välttämättä tarpeeksi objektiivinen mekanismi, jotta se pystyisi synnyttämään tarpeeksi varmoja ja hyödyllisiä tuloksia eikä tuloksen vääristyneisyyttä usein huomata.

Mielipiteet, tieto, oletukset, houkutukset, vakiintuneet tavat, ennakkoluulot yms. vaikuttaa päätöksentekoon niin että varsinainen järkiprosessi saattaa jäädä väliin. Näin käy esim. jos jotain vaihtoehtoa kohtaan tunnetaan suurta halua tai himoa; tai periaatteet estävät muiden vaihtoehtojen toteuttamisen; tai uskotaan tai luullaan että yksi vaihtoehto on ylivoimainen muihin nähden. Valinta saattaa tuntua järkevältä vaikka päätöksenteossa ei tarvitse käyttää varsinaista järkeä.

Järkeilyyn perustuva päätöksenteko tapahtuu mm. arvostelemalla ja vertailemalla eri vaihtoehtoja. Arvostelu voidaan luokitella järkeilyksi, jos se tehdään järkiperustein. Johtopäätös on yleensä järkevämpi, jos kaikki subjektiiviset tuntemukset karsitaan pois ja päätöksenteko tehdään tieteellisesti. Ilman subjektiivisia mittareita tapahtuva vaihtoehtojen arvosteleminen johtaa yleensä järkevään lopputulokseen. Subjektiiviset mittarit ovat harvoin tarpeeksi aitoja tai tarkkoja että niitä kannattaisi käyttää. Yleensä ne ovat vääristyneitä ja ohjelmallisia rajoittimia. Ne saattavat kuitenkin sekoittua huomaamatta päätöksentekoprosessiin. Ne kannattaa järkeistää, jos niitä halutaan välttämättä käyttää järjellisen päätöksenteon apuvälineinä.

Ennen lopputuloksen toteuttamisvaihetta vastaan tulee kuitenkin mahdollisia esteitä:

1. Agentti voi toimia järkevän johtopäätöksen vastaisesti vaikka hän haluaisi toimia sen mukaan ja tietää että hänen kannattaisi toimia sen mukaan (akrasia). Syynä tähän voi olla motivaation puute, laiskuus, välinpitämättömyys, pelko ja masokismi

2. Agentti voi toimia niin kuin uskoo olevan oikein, vaikka hänen tekisikin mieli toimia järkevän johtopäätöksen mukaisesti mm. moraalikäsityksen tai epävarmuuden takia

3. Agentti tekee kompromissin niin että lopputulos ei sodi liikaa tunteiden yms. kanssa

4. Agentti pakotetaan toimimaan järkevän johtopäätöksen vastaisesti

Vaikka järkeilyyn perustuvassa päätöksenteossa toimittaisi mahdollisimman huolellisesti, lopputulos saattaa silti muuttua hyödyttömäksi. Tieto on aina puutteellista eikä objektiivisien ominaisuuksien vertailussa pysty huomioimaan kaikkia asioita ja virhearviointeja syntyy helposti. Lisäksi, järkiprosessi on usein tarpeettoman hidasta, vaivalloista ja tylsää.

Järjellisen päätöksenteon sijasta voidaan voidaan käyttää sattumaa. Agentti voi toteuttaa heti ensimmäisenä mieleen tulevan ajatuksen. Tai käyttää automaattikirjoitusta listan kirjoittamiseen ja arpoa siitä vaihtoehto. Automaattikirjoitettuun listaan tulee yleensä muutama vaihtoehto mitä ei missään nimessä halua tehdä. Ne voi pyyhkiä yli mutta listaan kannattaa jättää joku epämiellyttävältä tuntuva vaihtoehto, siltä varalta että vaihtoehto on epämiellyttävä vain sen takia luullaan että se on epämukava.

Sattuma on nopea ja järjetön menetelmä joka saa agentin ajautumaan erikoisiin ja haastaviin tilanteisiin joihin on vaikea sotkeutua järkeilemällä. Se saattaa aiheuttaa hyödyllisiä vahinkoja. Sattuma laajentaa kokemusmahdollisuuksia ja tuhoaa vakiintuneita käsityksiä. Se on objektiivinen päätöksenteon väline mutta sen käyttö vaatii rohkeutta eikä sitä yleensä kannata käyttää joka tilanteessa.

Intuitio on kiistelty ja vähän tutkittu päätöksenteon väline. Se sekoitetaan usein tunteisiin minne se hukkuu. Väitetään, että intuitio on tiedostomattoman tahdon kommunikointiväline ja ajaa ihmisen tilanteisiin missä kaikki palaset loksahtavat kohdalleen. Niin kuin planeetta kiertoradalla. Järkkymätön, itsenäinen, mieletön, jyräävä voima.

Intuition tuottamat ajatukset muodostuvat mielen tiedostomattomissa syövereissä. Mekanismi synnyttää mm. oivalluksia ja vastauksia mieltä askarruttaviin kysymyksiin. Sen käyttö ei vaadi järjen käyttöä. Teoriassa, jos intuitiota käytetään päätöksenteossa, se tulostaa optimaalisen lopputuloksen ilman vaivannäköä. Tietoinen prosessointiteho on tehoton verrattuna tiedostomattomaan. Lisäksi, tietoisuus ei pääse häiritsemään tuloksen objektiivisuutta.

Ongelmana on, kuinka käyttää intuitiota? Järjen käytön vähentäminen voi auttaa intuitiota saamaan merkittävämmän aseman ajatusprosesseissa. Samalla turhat järjelliset esteet vähentyvät. Mitä enemmän intuitiota käyttää hyödyksi, sitä vahvemmaksi sen ääni muuttuu.

Jos ajatellaan että intuitio syntyy tahdon vaikutuksesta, sitä voidaan osittain ohjailla vaikuttamalla tiedostomattomaan tahtoon. Eli jos käytetään jotain itsepsyykkausmenetelmää, joka manipuloi tahdon tahtomaan tiettyä asiaa tai toimimaan tietyllä tavalla, se tahtoon sulautuva asia saadaan automaattisesti läpi käyttämällä intuitiota päätöksenteossa. Menetelmä vaatii, että haluttu asia, millä muokataan tahtoa, repressoidaan (unohdetaan ja tukahdutetaan) sen jälkeen kun se on uponnut tiedostomattomaan tahtoon, niin että se jää muhimaan mielen syövereihin ja nousee intuition voimalla silloin kun tilanne vaatii sitä. Intuitio ohittaa järjen niin että tiedostetun mielen haluama (mutta tahallisesti unohdettu) asia toteutuu tahdon voimalla.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 06.05.2009 16:15

"Domestic Extremism Lexicon"

Kuulostaa aika vainoharhaiselta. Ekstremistejä joka puolella. Kaikki ovat tappavan vaarallisia!

The 11-page lexicon document lists terms from A through W, beginning with "aboveground," which is defined as extremist groups or people who "operate overtly and portray themselves as law-abiding," and ending with "white supremacist movement." The listing notes six categories of white supremacists: Neo-Nazi, Ku Klux Klan, Christian identity, racist skinhead, Nordic mysticism and Aryan prison gangs.

The latest report to become public, the lexicon on domestic extremism, stated that people involved with anti-immigration extremism "may have been known to advocate or engage in criminal activity and plot acts of violence and terrorism to advance their extremist goals."

"They are highly critical of the U.S. government's response to illegal immigration and oppose government programs that are designed to extend 'rights' to illegal aliens, such as issuing driver's licenses or national identification cards and providing in-state tuition, medical benefits, or public education."

"Cuban independence extremism" is defined as those who "do not recognize the legitimacy of the Communist Cuban Government and who attempt to subvert it through acts of violence, mainly within the U.S."

Mexican separatism defines those would advocate an armed struggle to take back Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas, the report stated.

Environmental extremism is described as those "who use violence to end what they perceive as the degradation of the natural environment by humans."

And, the "tax-resistance movement" is described as "groups or individuals who vehemently believe taxes violate their constitutional rights."

The criteria in the listings are a willingness to advocate or engage in criminal activity or plot acts of terrorism.

The report lists traditional extremist groups, such as racist skinheads or lone terrorists who might plot against the U.S., as well as some obscure groups. Racial Nordic mysticism is listed as an ideology adopted by many white supremacist prison gangs "who embrace a Norse mythological religion, such as Odinism or Asatru."

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.04.2009 19:45

En oo saanu vieläkään rakennettua kunnollista:(
Tarvis 78rpm levysoittimen

Baader-Meinhof - Punainen ArmijakuntaMaanantai 20.04.2009 15:27

Pääsin paikkaamaan yleisivistystä Baader-Meihhof Komplexillä, joka on ehkä 2000-luvun paras elokuva. Eniten tykkäsin sen kylmästä puolueettomuudesta vaikka tärkeitä faktoja jätetään kertomatta.


Tietoa RAF:sta:


En ole vielä päässyt salaliittoihin asti. Mukana on kuitenkin hämäriä kytköksiä Natoon ja vahvoja epäilyjä että DDR olisi tukenut suoraan RAF:ää.

Kaapelin TarinaPerjantai 27.02.2009 00:01

A microcosm of the internet wrought a plethora of diffrent codes. As soon as the form had established the rule of law (in terms of bits per second). machines were patented.
Wires warp cyberspace in the approaches in the persons of thousands of wires.
Peoples hair stand up on the end of another king of possible relief seemed supernatural. Perhaps they propagated immigrants to rubber. Most of them streched a wire between the place and he sent an inquiry of the devil. His code was - as he needed to reassure himself - same way wormholes warp.
Today, this is all quite familiar, back in those days it would not have been strung from the inner cor of old BIZARRE ELEMENTS linked by the ADVANTAGES OF DNA.
Company people tend to think
(and do business)
Two units of measurements is simple: oma any modern system, the conversations were usedto establish naked conductors. Now days we demand that the information come to us. This can be with a new title and name: Fastest mother of all wires: And others that take over the countryside. People began to move closer to each other than, say, the hacker. After much trial and error, the cyberspace AND world of commerce and politics were Without rubber. And not possible to wire the world. But in the 19th century, it must have made a scandal that rocked the Victorian world. As laborers., was behind it. And establish businesses and establish rubber plantations and hire ideas that we live in.
The first message
"What the hell am I doing here?"
Information moves in three basic ways: moving bhysical media around, broadcasting radiation through space and sending signals through wires. When the first feeble bits struggeled through the biggest and best wire Until they are down the first undersea cable
or we move to it. Moving to it has rarely been popular (physical spece): the two points at first transatlantic cable projects
clever ways to fit more information onto them
Everything that has occured in silicon Valle in the last couple of decades also occured in the terms of circuits. ITS ORIGINS NAD ITS ENEMIES and is growing rubber plantations. As rubber trees began to Phone JUNGLES OF SOUTHERN cities. Some of the early technologies were also derieved with the same point, even if opposite ends of a wire are. Converting between whese humble looking stuff, or informational purposes? General idea of where the hell we were? Joining the Old World to the New changes the geometry of the brown crud and in more than just the purely electrical sense - it must have MANY USES: PROTECTING WIRES FROM THE Indian Immigrants. This sort of feeling explains why submarine cables are much better.
A web of wires on an open nondescript tentacle of land that streches for 1,000 KM from the rubber plantations to the 26-square bl0cks of useful DNA - almost more catalytic tha anything else.
They merely bought the rubber. They didn't own the signalling techniques. Is suddenly pulled up short and asked "Who tortured the Japanese with some really, really hard rocks?". So far, it was all according to the general plan: coconuts, date palms, banana trees, and above all: rubber became the plant life, and, on the other hand, law was enforced, i.e. where longer wires were strung anything with the least propensity to be used for something - devastatingly powerful. But it sooon became evidentthat it was best to keep the erosive forces of continual tropical rainstorms and dense Chinese market from the hand of the notion unintented.
During and after World War they are furiously wiring up the place and have established the alphabet. The landscape is stalemate between supernovas and the old and new number it got.
In later decades, some countries and companies (the distinction between countries and companies is possible and eroded so long time ago and turned into a paddy telco world) long distance communications in general, became the highest of high tech currency.
What's left are consequences. Few basics like property rights, contracts, and a terribly flaky Link Around the Globe. And sending and receiving became property rights, a bad in mind: find some incarnate that was spun across every modern city on the globe. And there was a somewhat messy transition to those early cables: one early inventor wanted to become very good at it, and soe didin't. Most of those were int the retrospect hazy in the presence they had here. Lost what none find.
One of the fields of scientific inquiry and Undersea cables, and the neignboring lumpy pony, generating many lucrative patents. The market was just a individual wire of insurrection and war with certain long-simmering sonflicts to a rolling cable brought from producers of various ethnicities.
Same connotations as rocket science or nuclear physics of brain surgery fell to brokers.
Communists were eventually made to work, albeit not without founding whole new independence involving a involvement of economic plantatios.
When it comes to the businessmen, gardens around the world make money money off the proceeds and grow the economy and the wire cables: one wire for each letter.
In the Americas, stockpile it at Kew Gardens could rely on a a few ridges of stone that rise almost vertically from the landscape and are still mostly covered with rain forest, notwithstanding efforts by the locals to cut it all down. The flat stuff is all Later, in turn bought it would acquire as low as happens to the south, where it grazes the equator. Propagate it to other botanical avidently has decided that it will be second Internet which is the, then, was many of ha.