Buzz-click-click! Invisible Barneys belch on me as I draw my shotgun and blast some Flanders' straight to hell, god bless America! Moes try to overpower me but my triumphant chaingun DAKKA-DAKKAs them all into pieces. More Neddys flow in from the door and I execute every single one with the most interesting and excruciatingly painfull ways. Amen! Bunch of Wiggums also meet their early retirement as my plasmarifle goes like FJUJUJUJUJU and all I see are corpses of fellow townsfolk and I let a terrible warcry like MMMMM BEER out. Finally the ultimate ultra hydro-turbo end boss arrives - Marge! I start rocketrolling my rocketlauncher until the bitch is dead. Ha-ha! D'oh!