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- Vanhempi »
We saw the sun go down,
you seemed so sad as
I asked you when, you asked me how

I couldn't tell you then
all I can tell you
If you'll ask me again

Is there a prettier sight
She's gonna spend the night
lookin' at me long and hard
with her big green eyes

we walked fast cause it was cold, that night
go up to my place, you've been here before,
you know the drill

I laugh and I make you tea
though you don't drink it
you just sit there, lookin at me

Is there a prettier sight
She's gonna spend the night
lookin' at me long and hard
with her big green eyes

I couldn't sleep all night
all I could do was, watch you dream
I saw the cold sunrise

Allmost too much to take
the table's been set for one final mistake
a promise to brake

Is there a prettier sight
She's gonna spend the night
lookin' at me long and hard
with her big green eyes, I saw the cold sun rise

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