"hello everyone! I'm gay from norway and my mother is finland. of couse I have dogs and sausage in my sauna. In supermarket's "eskon murkina&pihvi" toilet is my granddad, becouse hi ate the lavuaari with kauralese. Rollerchair has a pen when he walk around coocies. that was my story, best whiskeys!
"And I think now it's reindeer and my birthday! So, I have some questions for rabbits in floorball. What is bright, white, big and noise? ..And it's.. FISHCHIKEN! It's very slim, 'couse I'm porragepork. Even my cousin, Pekka "örlimä kuikka" keskimuro says that fishchiken is slim 'couse I'm george bussi! Bussi means that "take a bussi, go and nussi, ehee, like dogs and frogs usually do. Yes, hello!