


"To defy the laws of tradition is a crusade only of the brave"

...Perjantai 05.07.2013 19:35

Juhannustunnelmia...Lauantai 22.06.2013 03:59

I fought piranhas?Sunnuntai 05.05.2013 21:10

Eilinen...Perjantai 03.05.2013 14:09

It's a different worldKeskiviikko 24.04.2013 14:59

World out of control on the evening news
We're all screwed up and psychologically bruised
Kids killing kids, make society pay
Just blow up your school and have a nice day
Reality today's much stranger than fiction
A sick fucking world with a violent affliction
It really really bugs me
And it really really bugs me
Live your life to the fullest and fuck everything

It's a different world today
I just don't understand
It's a different world today
And I just don't understand...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.04.2013 17:18

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.04.2013 22:30

Itävallan Äänemäki :D

Voihan Vaukkanin veljet!Tiistai 19.03.2013 15:44

Bad MoodPerjantai 15.03.2013 23:44

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 12.03.2013 22:23