
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

reila <3 ;_;Perjantai 14.01.2011 21:51

After meeting, how many wounds are needed just for support
When you are harsh, other people learn things from it
Reality in the eye of the burning, scar you full of silence
Do not need a reason for you to return to me

From me, who is left for you who has become nothing
What do you think is harsh?
Still, you do not say anything
These words are not meant for me
Go somewhere

Trying to call your name
this voice does not reach you
Opening your eyes, your face shows lies, and laughter

Tomorrow you will probably go somewhere you desire
You go anywhere

You think about me so Always
You will probably go somewhere
You leave me alone and keep running
I cannot reach you anymore Cannot reach you anymore
At last being able to meet you
ended my overflowing patience
A tear dropped

Words which you could not say
Now the place where you once sang
Everyone compared to you is loved
I have loved I have loved

The room where two people stay even now is the same
Without using either key you will find a way to return
I can wait forever, you understand
And now the door is opened, and can visibly show your form

Tomorrow you will certainly return

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